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'Unnie, try looking in their mailbox, and 0613.'

Jennie read the message that pop out on her phone screen, "Mailbox?" she asked in confusion but just shrugged then looked around her and saw the boys' mailbox. She quickly walked closer to it and opened its lid. She looked inside and somewhere there she found a key.

She smiled upon getting it then hurriedly walked to the boys' gate again and shot the key to the hole and opened the gate. She went inside and locked the gate again. Then she walked her way to their door and punched in the code that made her smile in success when she got in.

She took off her shoes and borrowed one of the indoor slipper that was too big for her but she just shrugged and slowly walked inside their house, "Taehyung?" she called out but no one answered. She went to the kitchen then to the living room but didn't see any Taehyung.

She decided to go upstairs and check their bedroom. She turned left and walked straightly in front of the second door, "Taehyung?" she called again and knocked on the door. But still, she heard nothing.

She sighed then held the doorknob and slowly twisted it. She carefully opened the door and peeked inside first before completely entering, she then saw the guy she was looking for sleeping peacefully on his bed. She smiled softly at the view then walked in and sat on the space beside Taehyung.

She stared at his sleeping face, and gently caressed his soft hair then saw Taehyung pouting and slowly opening his eyes, "Jennie?" Taehyung said and Jennie smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked with a soft smile, he didn't answer, instead he leaned closer to her touch while closing his eyes again, liking the feeling of her combing his hair between her fingers. Jennie frowned a little when she got no answer from Taehyung, she moved closer to him then used her other hand to touch his forehead.

She furrowed her eyebrows when she felt that his temperature was just normal. She checked his forehead again and this time she was also feeling her own temperature to make sure. Taehyung opened his eyes when he didn't feel Jennie's hand on his hair instead it was on his forehead, the scene before him made him chuckle a bit, he found Jennie's confused expression cute, "What are you doing?" he asked.

Jennie looked at him with her hands still on their forehead, "They said that you have a fever, so I'm checking if you're burning, but I feel like we just have the same temperature," she explained.

"Who said that I have a fever?" he asked with one eyebrow raised. Jennie retracted her hand in realization that the boys just said he wasn't feeling well.

"Well, the oppas and Kookie said you were not feeling well so I just assumed," she answered looking down feeling shy for a moment.

Taehyung chuckled then held her hand that was previously caressing his hair and placed it on his cheek. Jennie looked at him as he held her hand while it was pressed on his cheek, his eyes closed.

"How are you feeling, anyway?" She asked again.

"Why are you here? You should be in school by now," he asked back instead of answering her question.

Jennie sighed, "I... I wanted to see you," she admitted that made Taehyung open his eyes and look directly at her.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked with a soft smile that made Jennie smile back.

"Neh... I mean- Wait- Uhm- Aish. Okay, I was worried," she confessed then looked away again feeling embarassed. Taehyung chuckled and pinched her puffy cheeks. He moved his head to her lap and closed his eyes again, Jennie's presence comforted him. Jennie froze when he did that but nevertheless, relaxed immediately then back at it again with combing his hair with her fingers softly that she found Taehyung loves.

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