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"Unnies, I'm sorry if I kept it from you, I was planning on telling, I swear, just looking for the right time," Lisa said apologizing to us as she finished explaining about her and Jungkook dating. When we saw them two, I dragged them to nearby bench and also called Jisoo unnie and Rosé. Good thing that we're free til lunch break for there was a faculty meeting.

I felt guilty as Lisa apologized like that. I mean there's nothing wrong about that, I was just so shocked about what I saw in the cafeteria earlier. I felt more guilty when I, myself, also have something hiding from them. And it's going on for almost two months now. I sighed at the thought. But I don't want to tell them until all things were cleared. I don't want to make them worry.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jisoo unnie broke the silence, "Ani Lisa, don't apologize there's nothing wrong with that!" she said comforting our maknae.

"Yeah, we were just surprised, that's all. And you know us, we're just protecting you from boys because we don't want you to experience what we experienced from our pasts," Rosé further explained.

"Neh. Maknae-ah, unnie's sorry for being a little bit too much earlier," I apologized for it's my fault why Lisa apologized when there's nothing to be sorry about in the first place.

Lisa smiled at us as she nodded her head in understanding, "Thank you, unnies!!! But don't worry, I know Kookie's a great guy, we know him for a long time right?" she said with her bright contagious smile.

We smiled back at her and nodded our heads, "Lisa's not a baby anymore," Jisoo unnie said dramatically while wiping her fake tears.

Rosé rolled her eyes at her, "Aish, this unnie is really silly," she commented that made me and Lisa chuckle while Jisoo unnie glared at her.

"Anyway, congrats our maknae!! I hope you and Kookie will be happy," Rosé said happily and lightly hugged her. Me and Jisoo unnie moved closer to them and joined the hug resulting to a group hug. Lisa giggled as she was caged at our tight hugs.

"Unnie's stop it, it's not like I'm getting married already," she said jokingly that made us pull away from the hug, "Yah, you should wait for unnie first, alright?!" Jisoo unnie scold her that Lisa just giggled as a reply but nodded her head.

I hope things will get clear soon, so I could tell everything to them already. It's unfair for them. Sigh.



"THIS IS SO UNFAIR KOOKIE GOT A GIRLFRIEND BEFORE ME!!" Jin hyung whined after Jungkook confirmed that him and Lisa were already dating. They started their relationship during their first date when me and Jennie left them to have some alone time. Waaah, Kookie that's incredible. Getting a girlfriend on the first date. I repeat, FIRST DATE.

"Jin hyung, I just realized Kookie's manlier than you, he got Lisa's 'yes' on the FIRST date while you are still waiting for almost a year," Jimin mocked that made me and Jungkook laugh. Jin hyung glared at Jimin who was still teasing him.

Jin hyung sighed, "Aniya. It doesn't matter how long I'll wait for Jisoo. I believe she's worth the wait," he sweetly remarked that made us cringe.

I brushed my arms while making a face, "Yah hyung that's too cringey!!" I told him causing me to earn a light smack on the head from Jin hyung while Jungkook and Jimin laughed at me. He turned back to Kookie and lightly pat his shoulder, "Anyway, we kinda noticed that you liked Lisa for a long time now, and we're so happy that she's finally yours now," he sincerely said while me and Jiminie nodded in agreement.

"Jin hyung's right! You're not very expressive but I know that you're crazy about her," I teased.

"Yah hyung that's too much!!!" Jungkook whined.

"Don't deny it!!! Since the day you had your date, you were smiling and stomping your legs happily on your bed last night when you were texting someone, now I know who it was," Jimin added that made Jungkook cover his face from embarrassment for he couldn't deny the fact anymore. Ah, I love Kookie being like this.

He suddenly uncovered his face and smirked that caused us to look at him with confusion, "But Taehyung hyung, why are you with Jennie noona ALONE earlier?" he asked smirking, emphasizing the word alone, and I can feel 3 pair of eyes were on me now. Aish, Kookie and his revenge.

"I was surprised too alright, Jennie just dragged me with her," I explained then we heard a sound of snapping that came from Jimin and his reaction was like he remembered something and I wasn't wrong.

"Right! They suddenly left me in the garden. And you know what? Jennie, giggled at our Taehyung!!" Jimin excitedly said.

"Omg! I smell progress!" Jin hyung squeled like a girl. Now I'm the one who's being teased right now. They were saying a lot of things about me and Jennie but I ignored it for my mind drifted to the time this morning when Jennie smiled at me in the garden.

The hairstyle really suits her. I told her about Elsa just to tease her at first for it became my hobby to tease and annoy her. I find her cute when pouting in annoyance, and it amused me for behind that cold appearance, she was really a warm hearted person inside. Although she's always hot tempered when with me, I saw how she treats our friends, I know that she's far from that cold appearance.

"Yah, why are you smiling?" I turned to Jiminie when I heard him ask me that, I looked at him confused, "You were smiling while deep in thought!" Jimin further exclaimed as he saw my confused expression.

"Thinking about Jennie I see," Jin hyung said smirking. Aish, I was smiling the whole time thinking about her? What is going on with me, really? First, I love annoying her, like my day won't be complete without annoying her. Second, I worry about her. Third, she's the first one I always find whenever the girls were approaching us. Wait...

"Do you like her?" My eyes widen looking at Jungkook who asked me that. I looked at Jin hyung and Jimin and they were waiting for my answer for I too was confused.

I shrugged the thought then stood up leaving their question hanging, "Come on let's grab some lunch!" I said diverting the topic but they didn't buy it for they kept on teasing me. I just ignored them and walked pass them heading to the cafeteria.

Jennie Kim, why are you doing this to me?

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