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Taehyung trailed off as he stared at the unfamiliar shoes comfortably resting on his shoe rack, he froze on his spot as a simple pair of shoes surprised him and at the same time made him nervous. He wondered hardly on who might be the owner of it – but only one person kept on lingering on his mind.

He slowly reached one of the shoes to take a closer look of it. He had never seen it before in his life, he hadn't even seen it being worn by Rose, Lisa, Jisoo, Seulgi, or Joy. He quickly scratched those girls on his guesses because he perfectly knew about Jimin's plans for tonight and they were all probably still there right now.

He kept on staring on it but the size felt really familiar for him. He returned it to the rack with furrowed brows. No one else knew about his condo unit except for his group of friends. And if it was a sasaeng fan, his unit would be filled with loud screams already once he entered it. But his unit was utterly quiet when he came home.

But suddenly, he heard a faint sound coming from somewhere further inside his unit. He looked to the direction where the sound was coming from. He slowly walked through the hallway leading him to his living room. He looked around the area to check if someone was there. But to his dismay, he saw no one around but the sound was still there.

He took a second look at his living room, then when his gaze passed by his black sofa, he saw something that he had never seen for the last six years...

It was his jacket that had a black tiger patch on the back dangling on his black sofa.

He felt his heart beat rapidly inside him as he walked to his sofa and grabbed his jacket. His eyes widened as he saw that he wasn't wrong, it was indeed his jacket that he last worn that day in the airport... The one that he lend to that one person...

"Jennie..." Taehyung uttered slowly. A small smile slowly creeping up on his lips, his eyes glistening with hope.

He quickly dropped his jacket back on his sofa and looked left and right trying to find that person all over his home right now. He started walking around his unit – he went to the bathroom but no one was there, he went to the balcony and still nothing, to his bedroom, to the guest room, but he didn't find anyone.

His face was slowly dropping as hope was slowly drifting away from his system. He made his way downstairs again with a frown, "Am I just dreaming?" he asked himself in a low, sad tone. He sighed sadly as his expectations just disappointed him. Feeling devastated, he sat down on the staircase, thinking...

Was this just a dream? Just an illusion? Was he just imagining things? Was his vision really getting that bad that he started seeing a lot of things – things that he haven't seen for the last six years? Those were the questions clouding his head right now. But he still tried to convince himself that his hunches were right that he didn't give up on thinking where she might be...

He just missed her so bad that if this was the chance he had been given to see and be with her again, he would not waste any minute, or any second of it – heck, he would cherish every running millisecond, second, minute, hour – just every bit of it.

With that determination, he suddenly stood up and walked to his kitchen as he remembered he hadn't been there yet. He looked all over his unit except for that certain part of his house. His excitement got the best of him that he quite forgot all about it for he knew that wasn't the place he used to hang out often for he didn't know how to cook that he just grab some ready to eat foods, and just leave that area immediately.

His pace was fastening as he felt the faint sound that he had been hearing since he arrived was slowly becoming clearer and clearer to his ears...

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