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Days flew by so fast that Saturday came, the day for their graduation ball. The girls went for some shopping early in the morning, even before having their breakfast. They didn't manage to go to the mall last night for they were already exhausted from all their school works.

Their graduation day was coming closer and closer that requirements were being thrown at them endlessly. And they should meet the deadline for them to be able to march on their special day, which was just a week or two away.

They didn't spend too much time on shopping like they usually do because they wanted to have all of their time in dolling up themselves. Also, they wanted to be home already for Lisa was all alone in their house.

"Why didn't Lisa come with us?" Jennie asked Rose curiously as they were now inside Rose's car, heading home, Jisoo being the driver, she got her student license just about six months ago, Rose in the passenger seat, and Jennie at the back with their shopping bags.

Rose turned to Jennie and answered, "She told me that she already has a dress, she bought it in Thailand the last time she came home," Jennie just nodded her head, acknowledging the information. Just half an hour later, they were in front of their house already. Once Jisoo was done parking the car, they all head out and went inside their houses carrying the bags.

"Lisa we're home!" Jisoo shouted as they entered the house. They saw Lisa came out from their kitchen while holding a ladle, she was cooking some Thai food for their brunch while they were away.

"Good! Right on time for breakfast slash lunch!" she told them happily then went back to the kitchen to finish her cooking and serve it to their table. Rose, Jennie, and Jisoo placed their shopping bags down in their living room then went straightly to their dining room and prepare the utensils that they needed for eating.

Not long after, Lisa came out of their kitchen carrying a huge bowl of the Thai food she cooked, when she placed it down, Jisoo took a closer look to what it was and her eyes lit up in joy, "Omo, Pad Thai?!" she squealed.

Lisa giggled at her unnie, "Deh! Let's eat!" she announced happily that they all grabbed their chopsticks and bowls to scoop for their portion of the stir fried noodles.

"Thanks for the food maknae!" Jennie said then blew a kiss to Lisa that she caught happily making the others laugh at them lightly.

"But don't you think it's a bit grand for a breakfast?" Rose asked.

Lisa shook her head without hesitation, "Ani! Besides, it's not only for breakfast Rosie, it's for lunch too! It's nearly 12 noon you know," Lisa informed her that caused her to check her wrist watch and it's true it's already five minutes to 12 noon, she thought they spent a short time in the mall, but turned out it also took them three hours walking around.

"AND, I wanted to cook for my unnies, so," Lisa said proudly making Jennie and Jisoo smiled widely at her.

"How 'bout me?" Rose pouted cutely.

"You're my unnie too! I just don't call you that since we were born in the same year," Lisa said that Rose hugged her sideways that she hugged back tightly.

"Okay, enough sweetness, let's finish our maknae's delicious treat," Jisoo said followed by the girls' giggles.

"Deh!" they said in unison and continued on eating while talking about some random stuff. When they all finished eating, Jennie volunteered in washing the dishes then told them to start taking a bath one by one so they could start on preparing themselves.

They all agreed to her plan and proceeded on their rooms. Jisoo occupied the bathroom that was inside her and Jennie's room. While on the other room, Lisa told Rose that she could go on first before her that Rose gladly agreed to.

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