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"Yah hyung! Eodiga?? Our teacher's here already!"

"I'm not going to class. Kookie, please cover for me?"

"What? Waeyo? What happened?"

"Uhm, something came up, I need to go somewhere..."

"What?! It should better be important, alright?!"

"Neh neh, thank you Kookie, saranghae!!!"

"Sometimes I really think you two are gays," Jennie said as she watched how Taehyung talked with Jungkook on the phone. Taehyung just chuckled at Jennie for he was normally like that when talking to his friends, well adding some extra cuteness when he's asking a favor.

"Don't be jealous, he's just a friend," he teased and winked at her that made Jennie groan and roll her eyes from him. He laughed a little and asked her, "Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see. Geunde, how are we going to exit here?" Jennie asked as she worried about the guards that might catch them cutting classes that may result to long hours of detention. It'll be her first time if they got unlucky. Taehyung smirked then held her wrist as he led them the way, "Leave it to me," he said proudly then dragged Jennie to the back part of their school. She didn't say anything nor complained when Taehyung held her hand while they walked through the halls. At first she was wondering where they'll be going but then she saw the back gate of their school.

Taehyung knew that at this hour, there's no one guarding the back gate that he didn't think twice to lead them there, and they got more fortunate when they saw that the gate wasn't locked at all. Taehyung quickly opened the gate, he motioned Jennie to go out first that she obeyed, then he followed and carefully closing the gate, avoiding to make a sound, "Be honest with me, did you cut class before?" he turned his head to Jennie when she asked that.

"Well I'm a guy, it's in our nature, I guess," he simply answered and shrugged then went closer to where she was. Jennie just shrugged then started walking their way to their destination. Taehyung just followed her and kept on asking where was she taking him. When he didn't get any answer, he still kept on asking and asking, he even accused Jennie of kidnapping jokingly that made Jennie sigh in annoyance making him stop himself from talking, "Aish! We'll get there when we get there, alright?!" Jennie exclaimed that made him shut up, he nodded like a small kid and also gestured his hand like zipping his mouth.

Jennie continued walking and Taehyung still followed, but more quiet than before. After a few more minutes of walking, Jennie stopped that also made him stop. He looked in front of them and discovered that they were in front of a kindergarten. He looked confused and tapped Jennie's shoulder that turned to him, "Yah, aren't you a little old for this?" he asked curiously.

Jennie chuckled then walked to the man who seems like the teacher of the kindergarten, he was waving goodbye to the kids who were held by their parents who were walking away from the school. Jennie walked towards to the man leaving Taehyung more confused, but he just followed her direction, "Oppa annyeong," Jennie greeted the man.

The man turned to Jennie then smiled widely at her, "Oh Jennie yah! How have you been? Are you here to fetch Ji Hoonie?" the man asked her with a cheerful smile. Taehyung was there standing awkwardly as Jennie continued to converse with the man. It'd be better if she introduced me, tsk. He thought bitterly as he was waiting for about five minutes now for them, but suddenly someone called Jennie, "Jennie noona!!!!!!" a voice of a kid called that got their attentions.

Noona?? But she's an only child, right... Taehyung watched as Jennie kneeled then opened her arms as the boy who called her noona ran to her and hugged her tightly, Jennie hugged the boy back tightly with a cheerful smile. Taehyung smiled to himself seeing her this happy. Jennie then let go of the hug then turned to the man, "Mino oppa, please tell Jin Woo oppa that I picked Ji Hoonie up from school, he might be worried," Jennie asked kindly.

"Neh, alright. I'll call Jin Woo hyung right away. You guys have fun, alright? See you on Monday, Ji Hoonie," Mino said kindly then waved at them, "Goodbye teacher-nim, see you!" the boy said while cutely waving his small hand to his teacher. Jennie bowed at Mino and thanked him before he went back inside the kindergarten.

Jennie held the boy's small hand and started walking away from the school, "Ji Hoon-ah, where do you want to go? Noona will treat you," she told the kid sweetly. Ji Hoon smiled at her then noticed that someone was following them that he stopped walking making Jennie stop too and looked at the direction where he was looking, she facepalmed herself when she totally forgot about Taehyung, "Noona, who is he?" Ji Hoon innocently asked her while looking at the smiling hyung.

"Hello!!!! I'm Taehyung hyung," Taehyung cheerfully introduced to the boy.

"Taehyung hyung hyung?" Ji Hoon asked with a confused look that made Taehyung chuckle at his cuteness, he kneeled to the kid's level then ruffled his hair, "Aish, he's like Kookie when we first met," Taehyung said.

"Cookie?? Cookie monster??" Ji Hoon asked again, this time with a more confused look making Jennie and Taehyung laugh at him.

"Aniya, he's our friend. You can call me Taetae hyung, it's easier, right?"

"Taetae hyung, yes it's better hyungnim!!" Ji Hoon exclaimed with a cheerful smile that Taehyung couldn't hold himself anymore he pinched the cute boy's cheeks, "Aish, you're so cuuuuuuute."

Jennie giggled at them, "That's enough, where are we going now?" she asked.

"Ice cream!!!!" the boys answered in unison as they also both turned their heads to her at the same time when they answered her. Jennie giggled at their cuteness that she just nodded in agreement then made their way to the ice cream parlor near a park that wasn't that far from the kindergarten.

When they got their ice cream, they went to the park, Jennie sat on the swing near the slide where Ji Hoon and Taehyung were playing. She smiled while watching them. He looks so cute with kids. She thought to herself as she looked at Taehyung who was all smiles while chasing the five year old Ji Hoon around the park. Jennie then looked at her nephew who was running away from Taehyung while laughing happily. She sighed as she envy the small kid. Being a kid sure was fun. No problems, no heartaches, no complicated life. It's so pure and wonderful. She thought sadly as she remembered the events that happened earlier.

Taehyung looked at Jennie for a while when Ji Hoon stopped from running and climbed the ladder to the slides instead, he saw her looking at the ground frowning again that he decided to take a rest from all the running and sat on the swing beside her. Jennie noticed his presence and looked at him, she saw that he was panting slightly and there were sweats on his forehead. She quickly pulled out her handkerchief from her pocket then wiped his forehead that surprised Taehyung.

Jennie was focused on wiping his sweat that she didn't notice his expression that went from surprised to a smiling one, "Are you alright?" he asked remebering that she was frowning a while ago.

Jennie looked at him when she heard him asked, "A little, I got to see my ball of sunshine," she answered smiling referring to the cute boy playing happily on the slides, "There," she said then went back on her swing when she finished wiping his forehead and at the same time arranged his hair that was a bit disheveled from all the running. I wish I was more sweaty.

Taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly when he thought that to himself, "May I ask what he's relation to you? Well, he called you noona, but what I know is you're an only child, right?" he asked curiously as they watched over Ji Hoon who was completely enjoying himself.

"Yes, I am. He's actually my nephew. He's my cousin's son, Jin Woo oppa. The guy from earlier was Mino oppa, he's Jin Woo oppa's friend that's why we were quite close," Jennie explained, then again silence.

Taehyung was about to speak again when Jennie said something, "Seeing him at times like this, comforts me," she opened up smiling. Taehyung smiled softly as Jennie started to become more comfortable around him that it comes to the point where she also shared to him the things that comfort her. When she didn't heard any reply from him, she turned her head to his direction and discovered that he was staring at her with a soft smile.

Jennie blushed at Taehyung's stare but she smiled back and asked, "What?" Taehyung just shook his head and continued on smiling at her that she just also smiled and stared back at him.

"Hyung, noona, stop looking at each other."

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