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Jennie and Rose were startled when they heard a loud slamming sound coming from their front door. They got up from the carpet and discovered that their Jisoo unnie was gone from her spot just now. They were too focused on the movie that they didn't notice Jisoo's urgency in grabbing her hoody and leaving their house.

They stared at the direction of their front door, confused and wondering why was their unnie leaving all of a sudden and where could she be going. She would usually tell them the place first before heading out, especially now that it was too late in the evening.

Starting to get worried, Rose turned to Jennie and asked, "Unnie, where could she be going?" she asked curiously the older girl that also had the same confused and worried expression that she had.

But Jennie shrugged it all away for the meantime, avoiding the negative thoughts away for now. She looked at Rose and gave her a small yet assuring smile, "Don't worry, she might be just going to a convenience store, you know she would always crave for something during the night," Jennie told Rose.

Rose thought for a while and realized that what Jennie had said was true, Jisoo had been going to a convenience store in the late nights multiple times already that somehow made her confused and worried expression go away that turned into a calmed one.

"Right. Or might be buying chicken again," Rose said with a giggle making Jennie laugh a little. Jennie nodded then told her that they should just watch the movie again.

They turned their attentions back to the movie as they waited patiently for Jisoo to come back. They were halfway through the movie and Jisoo hasn't come back yet. It was making Jennie worry already. But she didn't gave herself away for she didn't want Rose to get anxious and be worried too. She quietly grabbed her phone beside her and sent a text to Jisoo.

'Unnie, where are you?'

She sent it and checked the time making her eyes widen in surprised that made her worry more, it was already past eleven already. She quickly dropped the expression from her face when Rose lifted her head up slightly. After sending the text, she locked her phone and didn't let go of it again. She was checking it every now and then hoping for Jisoo's reply. Not minding the movie anymore.

The movie had come to its end, and Jisoo wasn't back yet, plus no reply from her texts too. She sent the same text multiple times but about an hour already passed but still no answer from the older girl. Jennie started biting her lips as she felt that she's starting to get nervous, and worried. She felt something wasn't right. She felt something bad was about to happen.

She wanted to ask Rose to go with her and look for their Jisoo unnie, but she ignored the whole idea away for she worried that something might happen to the both of them too. It was clearly midnight, the rain was pouring heavily, and they were both young girls. She couldn't risk Rose being in trouble because of her being paranoid.

Jennie was so lost and deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice Rose stood up from the carpet and turned off their television when the movie had ended. Rose also noticed that Jisoo wasn't home yet, that she asked Jennie again, "Unnie, she's still not here, what if something happened-"

"Rosie, please don't think like that," Jennie exclaimed when Rose had snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to her phone again and sent the same text to Jisoo again. Five minutes, twenty, forty minutes passed, still no answer again.

She stood up from the carpet and started pacing back and forth in their living room thinking where Jisoo might be right now. Rose couldn't do anything but to watch Jennie walk back and forth in their living room making her a little dizzy. She blinked her eyes rapidly then turned her gaze away from Jennie. She grabbed her phone too and tried to call Jisoo.

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