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After letting Jennie know of her whereabouts, Lisa walked her way out of the school garden, as she left her friends talking and teasing each other. Once out of the place, she looked around trying to figure out where will she start her hunt. She actually lied to Jennie on going to the restroom, she just took the chance where her unnies and oppas were busy and caught up with each other to run away and look for Jungkook to avoid their teasings. She wasn't ready to tell her unnies about it anyways, and it seems like the boys doesn't know about it yet also.

Let me think about what he likes... Lamb skewers! But our cafeteria doesn't have that. She thought to herself as she started walking unsure where to start her hunt for Jungkook. But she just followed where her feet took her, and it was to the school's open court and then she found a guy doing some free throws and she found him very familiar. She walked closer to the figure then smiled to herself. Of course, how could I forget, he loves sports. She thought then went to the court.

Jungkook shot the ball to the ring but it unfortunately bounced back to the ground, he run to catch the ball when he noticed someone walking to where he was, "Aish, I thought you're good at everything," someone said. He turned his head to the voice that made him smile quickly.

"Good morning to you too Lis," he greeted smiling then went to the smiling Lisa then kissed her on the cheek that made her smile more. Lisa greeted him back then grabbed the basketball from him then playfully shot it that unexpectedly went in to the ring, "I guess it was you who's good at everything," Jungkook told her then winked.

Lisa smiled and held her blushing cheeks, "Yah, stop it," she said shyly. Yes, they were dating already since their date last time.

While Jungkook was walking her home, he suddenly held her hand and intertwined their fingers much to Lisa's surprise, it made her look at Jungkook who was already staring at her lovingly the whole time they were together. She noticed it but she just not want to assume things ahead for it might hurt her in the end.

Suddenly, Jungkook stopped walking, causing her to also stop. Her heart was beating faster as Jungkook held her other hand and continued on staring at her eyes that were obviously full of questions. Jungkook smiled then said, "You're probably wondering about my actions just now."

Lisa just remained silent but kept her stare at his eyes, as she fell inlove with them again. If there's one thing she really loved about Jungkook, it will be his eyes. For her, it always sparkle like stars and she could stare at it forever. Jungkook noticing her silence, decided to continue what he was about to say, "Lisa-ah, I...really like you," he finally confessed. He saw Lisa's lips slowly turn upwards making her smile, the smile he likes, "I would like to ask if, will you be my...girlfriend?" he asked carefully and nervously.

Lisa's eyes widen in surprise and excitement. She was squealing inside as she waited for this moment to happen for a very long time. She could feel that Jungkook likes her for the way he treated her was always special but she just usually shrugged it off for she prefered to wait that he'll confess one day and it just happened just now. She's still in shock that the things she assumed before were actually right, and she can't find her voice to answer Jungkook.

Her long silence made Jungkook more nervous that he looked away from for a while then mustered his courage to speak again, "Ani... I mean! If you're not ready yet, I can wait for you, I promise!" he exclaimed as nervousness was eating his courage up. He looked back at her when he heard her giggle.

"Aniya, you don't have to wait anymore, I waited for this moment, pabo-yah!" Lisa finally spoke with a her bright smile but Jungkook just stared at her like he's processing the words she just spoken. Lisa thought he was really cute thinking that she stepped closer to him then tipped toe and kissed his cheek, "Is that enough as an answer?" she teased looking at his surprised expression.

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