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After Lisa and Jungkook left the room, some minutes later, the doctor from before with two nurses behind him came inside with papers and other medical stuff in their hands. Jin stood up from his seat and went to stand beside the others, giving way for the doctor to check up on Jisoo.

"Glad you're awake Ms. Jisoo!" the doctor happily said that Jisoo answered with a nod and a smile on her face.

"Neh, thank you doctor, for doing everything you can," she said with a sincere smile.

"Ani, you did all the job, we just treated your wound and wipe the blood off of you," the doctor humbly replied, giving off a hearty laugh in the process making the others chuckle and thanking him too.

"Alright, alright, enough of that, I got your CT scan, and thankfully, nothing much was found to be a danger in your life. Congratulations for that! You just have to go back here in the hospital for your weekly check–up regarding your injured arm, and other than that, no more problem Ms. Jisoo," the doctor explained that gave them the much needed relief they've been craving for since the accident happened. The doctor gave the paper to the nurse back before turning to Jisoo again, "By the way, do you feel anything? Headache? Dizziness? Body ache?" the doctor asked.

Jisoo shook her head as an answer, "No, doc. I feel good actually," she answered then glanced at her friends with a smile who were also smiling brightly at her, their faces showed how much it delighted them that she woke up.

"That's great! I could discharge you then by tomorrow after lunch if that continues, and if you felt something awful, we'll check on that and will just discharge you the day after tomorrow or the next day, is that great?" the doctor advised.

"Excellent, doc," Jisoo nodded without hesitation making the doctor smile warmly at her.

"So if nothing else, we'll be leaving then."

"Thank you so much, doctor–nim," Rose said with a bow followed by the others, the doctor and the nurses bowed back before leaving Jisoo's hospital room to themselves.

Jin quickly went back to his spot earlier and asked Jisoo worriedly, "Are you sure you feel fine already?"

Jisoo nodded with a smile, "Deh, nothing to worry about," she assured him but suddenly a thought poked in her mind making her smile sadly, "Well... There's this one thing I'm feeling lately..."

Hearing that, Jin started to get panic, "What? What is it? I'll call the doctor now," he impatiently asked as he stood up from the chair ready to go and ran after the doctors to call them back and fix whatever Jisoo's pain.

Jisoo just looked at him in awe, she thought Jin would be getting it immediately but instead, he was totally clueless, he was being slow again. Instead of answering him, she looked back to her friends who were just quietly watching them, she gave them a knowing look that the four quickly recognized and started walking slowly for the door.

"Yeah, we'll just be outside," Jimin said.

"Just call us if you need anything," Jennie added before grabbing Rose's hand in her and pulled Rose with her. Taehyung just waved at them before heading out of the door and closing it in the process.

Jin gave the four a confused and questioning look again, "Hey, where are you going–" but his question was answered with a sound of the closing door making him scratch the back of his head and stared at the door wondering why they all suddenly left the room, knowing them they won't leave the room once Jisoo woke up especially Rose and Jennie but the two girls were the ones who headed for the door first.

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