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When he sensed that their house was quiet enough, and only the sound from the television could be heard, Taehyung walked out of the bathroom wearing his bathrobe. He quickly went upstairs and just dressed himself in a simple white shirt and track pants.

He went back to their living room, and turned off their television then went for their speakers and connected his phone listening to some music. After that, he turned around and faced their messy living room. He sighed seeing the mess that his three friends caused by just styling their hairs and outfits.

He started cleaning their living room, adjusting their sofa that was slightly moved out of its place, probably when they were all checking themselves in the mirror at the same time, picking up the pockets of empty hair gels, and throwing Jungkook's unused tie to their laundry basket.

Obviously, he doesn't have any plans on going to their Graduation Ball tonight. He knew what he was doing would make his friends wonder, and most especially hurt Jennie. What he was doing was making her wait for nothing, like he just stood her up on their date. Although, he made sure she wouldn't be going there dateless, he still felt bad for in the first place it was him who she asked for, not his brother.

Taehyung stopped in cleaning for a while, and sighed. He was getting more and more annoyed at himself because of what he was doing right now. But what can he do, Min Jae became cruel and left him with no choice but to do what he says.

His mind went back to the time when Jennie called him just to ask him to be her date on this tonight's event. He was actually going to say no but once he heard her cheerful voice that was also full of hope, he can't do it. He can't break her right there and then. He'll leave her confused and asking herself what she did wrong for him to reject her, and that was the last thing he wanted to happen. But today, he realized that no matter how hard he tried to avoid hurting her, he'll always end up causing her pain, and maybe even breaking her.

"Aish..." he messed up his already messy hair in frustration. He shook his head repeatedly trying to get those thoughts away out of his mind, "What's done is done," he said trying to comfort himself. Then he smiled bitterly as he just told himself that what he had done today, would make Min Jae, his brother, happy. Because he got the chance that he's been wanting to have with the girl that he likes.

"Right... Taehyung... You did right," he told himself while looking at himself on their full length mirror that was previously occupied with his three friends that were excited for their party. He smiled as he remembered their glowing faces from excitement, then his smile slowly faded as a thought came to his mind – Jennie... Surely she's excited for this event too, excited for him to see her for she assured him that she'll dress like he wanted even though he insisted that a simple one was fine.

He sadly smiled as he envied Min Jae for having a beautiful date tonight. Though he can't see her right now, he's sure in himself that she's looking great and wonderful. Oh, how he wished he would be able to see her tonight. An idea came to him, he'll go to their venue and make himself hidden from all the other guests there that might recognize him then when he finally got a sight of Jennie, even just a quick glimpse, he'll then leave and go home after that.

But he shrugged the idea away as he thought doing that would just probably cause more ruckus between him and his brother. He patted his own head trying to distract himself, "Stop thinking," he told himself again then forced a smile, "Cleaning! Let's clean the entire house! Cleaning is great! Kaja~!" he cheerfully told himself then went to their cabinet full of cleaning materials.

He took the broom, the mop, the window wiper, and some other materials that he might be using later. He started sweeping their tiled floor, vacuum cleaned the carpet in their living room, mopped the floor in their kitchen, wiped all of their windows, he even rearranged their sofas in the living room to give off some new ambiance.

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