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"Alright class, that's all for today, see you tomorrow," their English teacher said after the bell rang signaling the end of class.

"Finally, I hate English!!!" Taehyung exclaimed and stretched his arms upwards, then he turned his attention to his seatmate Jungkook who was quickly preparing to go, "Kookie-yah, are you going somewhere?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, neh hyung. I invited Lisa to hang out after class," he answered then stood up carrying his backpack with one hand, "See you at the dorm la-"

"Can I tag along?" Taehyung asked with puppy eyes that halted Jungkook in the middle of his sentence. Kookie sighed, "But hyung, you know the reason for this," he reasoned.

"I know, I just wanted to support you," Taehyung answered while pouting trying his best to get Jungkook's approval.

Jungkook scratched the back of his head giving up, "Aish! Alright, let's go," he said that made Taehyung jump out of his seat then put his arm around Kookie's shoulder while they walk together. Just then Jungkook got a message from Lisa.

'Kookie, I'm sorry but Jennie unnie wants to go with us, is that okay?'

He read the message then turned to his hyung, "Hyung, must be your lucky day," he said that made Taehyung looked at him with raised eyebrow as if questioning him why, "Jennie noona's coming too," he continued.

"Oh? Jeongmal? This will be fun then," Taehyung answered excitedly. Jungkook chuckled then replied to Lisa's text.

'Neh, noona's welcome :) see you.' Sent.

'Neh, noona's welcome :) see you.' Lisa read the message as she felt her phone vibrated in her pocket. She smiled then turned to Jennie who was walking beside her, "Unnie, Kookie said that it was fine," she informed.

"Thank you, angel Kookie! I just wanted to have some ice cream. I thought he won't let me join you considering this is your date," Jennie said that made Lisa blush.

"But unnie, this isn't a date, he just said hang out," Lisa reasoned. Jennie chuckled at her dongsaeng's cuteness, "Lisa-yah, if a boy asked a girl to hang out with him alone without being accompanied by his or her other friends, it means it's a date," Jennie explained.

Lisa nodded her head to what her unnie just said in understanding but then she looked at her with confusion, "But unnie, how come you know all of that when no one even asked you out yet?" Lisa asked Jennie curiously.

Lisa's question caught Jennie off guard, "Well... uhm, I just read it somewhere," Jennie stuttered that made Lisa even more curious, I think she's hiding something, Lisa thought to herself.


"Jenduekieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lisa was about to confront Jennie about it but was cut off when they heard a loud voice calling Jennie's infamous nickname. Lisa turned her head to the voice then saw Jungkook with Taehyung walking towards them while also waving at them, Lisa then waved back with a cheerful smile.

Jennie face palmed herself hearing that voice and name again, "Yah, you didn't tell me HE was coming too," Jennie told Lisa that just laughed at her reaction just hearing Taehyung's voice.

Lisa stopped her laugh but still smiling, "I didn't know he was coming too, Kookie didn't say anything about it, come on, this will be fun," Lisa said cheerfully.

"Aish," Jennie exclaimed quietly as Jungkook and Taehyung got nearer to them, "Annyeong!!!!" Taehyung greeted them happily as they reached Jennie and Lisa. Lisa said hello to his oppa and Jungkook returning the smile.

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