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Jennie woke up from the sun rays that was hitting her face as it went through the rectangular window inside Jisoo's hospital room. She slowly opened her eyes and sighed in contentment knowing that she had a great and warm sleep. In her mind, she was wondering how did that became possible when she was clearly shivering in coldness last night.

Then her questions were answered when she felt a huge jacket covering her body when she was about to stretch her arms, then she abruptly rose from the lying when she realized that she was straightly laid on the long couch. Her eyes widen in confusion, the last time she remembered she fell asleep on the chair that was beside Jisoo's bed.

She scratched her head thinking how did she managed to end up there. Then her gaze fell on the jacket that was now on her lap. She picked it up and stared at it carefully, it was black and made of a quite thick material. She knew she saw someone wearing this last night. She furrowed her eyebrows trying to remember it, then unconsciously, she leaned it closer to her nose and smelled it.

That it made her eyes widen again, the smell was utterly familiar for her. She knew she had smelled it before. She knew it belonged to someone she knew, and very close to her that she remembered that smell. She looked around her and saw that the room was empty only she, Rose, and Jimin was there.

She turned her gaze at Rose and just in time for the latter to notice that she was awake already, "Oh, unnie, good morning," Rose greeted her with a warm smile, she was sitting on the chair that she was previously occupying last night.

She gave Rose a questioning look, "Rose, how did I..." she trailed off, unsure of how to ask how did she ended up on the sofa.

Rose furrowed her eyebrows as Jennie stopped talking all of a sudden, seeing what Jennie wanted to ask, Jimin took the initiative to answer, "Taehyung carried you there," he answered ending all her confusions.

So it figures, the jacket, the smell, the soothing touch that she felt on her cheek last night, it all belonged to Taehyung, and if she remembered it right she kind of heard someone whispering towards her, she guessed that it was also Taehyung saying something to her that she unfortunately didn't catch clearly.

Jennie just nodded her head and bowed her head staring at the jacket, she couldn't help but to admit in herself that she missed him, she missed him being close to her, that when his jacket was draped over her she somehow felt like that it was Taehyung hugging her making her let out a sad smile.

But she quickly composed herself and stood up properly, carrying the jacket in her hand, when the door burst open revealing Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook carrying some paper bags that she assumed were foods.

"Here, we brought breakfast," Taehyung announced as he walked inside the room and looked around them then his gaze stopped when it stared back at Jennie's, who was also looking at him, "G–good morning," he awkwardly greeted.

Jennie just bowed lightly at him before looking away and clearing her throat. She then walked towards him, handing him his jacket back. Taehyung stared at the jacket for a while then returned his gaze back up to her eyes, "Use it, you seemed cold–"

"I don't need it anymore, but thanks," Jennie said, cutting him off then pushed the jacket more to him. Taehyung's face fell and slowly held his jacket with his free hand. When Jennie saw that he got a hold of it already, she quickly walked passed by him and went out of the room, she still couldn't find herself face him after their confrontation that she just left the room.

Taehyung stood rooted to his spot, dumbfounded, Jungkook pat his shoulder lightly that snapped him out of his daze and quickly placed the paper bags down on the small table beside Jisoo's bed and quickly ran outside to catch Jennie.

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