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The school bell rang, signaling the start of their classes. Students started walking through the school corridors heading to their classrooms. Jungkook first walked Lisa to her class before going to his own, whereas he's classmates with his Taehyung hyung.

Once in front of Lisa's classroom, Jungkook quickly kissed her on the cheek then run away from her not giving her the chance to get out of her shocked state first.

Then a soothing voice got her out of her trance, "Ahhh, young love," Lisa turned to the person who said that and it was her Jimin oppa giving her a teasing look, who was in the same class as her. She just chuckled at his teasing then punched his arm playfully and told him that they should go to their seats now.

Sadly for Jisoo, she's walking alone in the hallway heading to her classroom. She was unfortunately put in a section whereas she wasn't classmates with any of her closest friends. When she reached her classroom, some of her classmates greeted her as she made friends with a few of them.

She greeted them back with a bright smile but inside of her, she was troubled. She thought that her misfortunes ended when she didn't receive a text message the following days after he sent her the message that said he missed her. She sat on her seat which was behind her Japanese friend, Mina, one of her classmates that she managed to befriend with.

Jisoo decided to set aside her troubles first as Mina greeted her, and they chatted for a while. They talked a lot of stuff, as they got a lot pf things in common, like their tastes in music, movies, and also their responsibilities as a part of their school's student council. Jisoo was elected as the Secretary, while Mina was elected as their Treasurer.

Then their first period teacher, who was at the same time their student council adviser. They stopped talking and sat properly on their seats as their teacher greeted them, "Deh, good morning."

"Good morning, teacher–nim," the class answered back.

"Before we start, I would like to announce something first," Mr. Gong, their teacher said, and glanced at the door where two other students were waiting, the class followed her gaze, and Jisoo's eyes widen, her heart pounding rapidly, she questioned herself if their school was really that short in the number of sections for him to be her classmate.

"We have two new students, so help me welcome them," Mr. Gong continued then the two students came in and stood in front facing the class, whispers were heard as they came and faced the students, most whispers were coming from some group of girls, "Quiet," Mr. Gong scolded as he felt bothered.

He then looked at the two who was smiling to the class, "Please introduce yourselves," he said.

"Kim Min Jae–imnida, good to be here," Min Jae introduced with a smile, and bowed lightly after.

"Good day, I'm Park Jinyoung," he then bowed, and when he rose his head after bowing, he directly stared at Jisoo's troubled eyes, "Please take care of me," once he said that, Jisoo glared at him, that he returned it with a smirk that caused some girls to squeal as they find him attractive. He said it as a part of his introduction for the whole class, but he said it as if he's only asking Jisoo to take care of him, and for Jisoo it felt as if he was provoking her in a way she truly dislike.

"Deh, please welcome your new classmates warmly," Mr. Gong asked that the class gladly responded with yes, "Ms. Jisoo," he called out that got Jisoo's attention and broke her glare away from Jinyoung.

She blinked rapidly, "N–neh, sir?"

"As tradition in welcoming the transferees, I am asking you as the secretary of the Student Council to give them a tour around our school so they'll familiarize the place. But don't worry, you won't do it alone since Mr. Kim requested someone to tour him instead of you, she'll be here any minute now, I believe," Mr. Gong said much to Jisoo's disappointment. She loved her role as the SC's secretary and this is the only time she regretted being active in the school's extracurricular activities.

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