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Sunday morning came, the time when they planned to leave Daegu and come back to Seoul. Everyone was up and all ready to go. Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook hugged Taehyung's mother as a sign of goodbye, then the four girls followed. After everyone had said their goodbyes, except for Taehyung, they went outside with their bags and arranged it in the van.

Taehyung quietly went out of his siblings' room who were still peacefully sleeping, he kissed their foreheads as a goodbye since they weren't awake yet, then he went to his mother and hugged her tightly, "I'll miss you," he mumbled as his mother hugged him back tighter.

"We'll miss you too," she replied then let go of the hug but still holding his arms, "Visit again if you have time, neh?" she said with a soft smile.

Taehyung smiled widely at her and nodded, "Of course, I'll bring them again," he answered referring to his friends.

"Yes please! Especially Jennie, I like her for you," his mother said cheerfully as she nudged him, teasing her to Jennie. Taehyung nodded with a shy smile then hugged her again before heading to the van where his friends were waiting.

Not long after, Taehyung pulled away from the hug then waved goodbye to his mom and made his way to the waiting van. His mother leaned on their front door's doorframe, smiling at them as she waited for them to take off.

"Oh, Taehyung's here, ready everyone?" Jin asked them as he pushed a button to the van's key that unlocked the doors. They were about to step into the vehicle when suddenly a white car parked in front of their van. They looked at the car curiously as they can't see who it was for its windows were tinted darkly.

They waited as the driver of the car stepped outside, the girls squinted their eyes as they obviously don't know who was it, while the boys smiled lightly as they saw who it was and came face to face with the driver, well except for Taehyung who was smiling brightly upon seeing who it was that he greeted the person with a hug, "Min Jae–ah!"

"Neh hyung," Min Jae greeted and hugged him back lightly, "Long time no see hyungs, and Jungkook," he greeted the other three that just nodded at him with faint smiles.

"How have you been?" Taehyung asked excitedly as he pulled away from the hug, but his smile fainted slowly as he saw that Min Jae wasn't paying much attention to him and the other boys, instead he was looking intently to the girls, and specifically one girl.

Taehyung looked at them alternately and decided to break the awkwardness, "Min Jae–ah, what are you doing here, by the way?" he asked nicely as he tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Min Jae turned to him and smiled, "Ah, I had something to take care of nearby hyung that I happened to pass by," he said then turned to the girls again, "Who are they, by the way?" he asked.

Taehyung looked at the girls, then took the initiative to introduce them since his friends looked like doesn't have the plan to do it, "Ah, this is Rose, Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie. Guys, this is Min Jae, my brother," he introduced them one by one, the girls bowed lightly and smiled at him.

"HALF brother," Min Jae corrected, emphasizing the word half that made Taehyung frown a bit but he didn't let him see it, he then shook their hands as greeting but when he got a hold of Jennie's hand, instead of shaking it, he flipped it to her knuckles and kissed it softly, that caused Jennie's eyes to widen and made her nervous.

After that, Min Jae smiled at Jennie, but she pulled her hand away quickly and looked down, "Nice meeting you, Jennie–ssi," he said, that left the boys to have a bitter expression as they saw how Min Jae ignored the others. The boys also saw how Taehyung's expression shifted when Min Jae corrected him in the introduction, and they didn't like it one bit.

Seeing this, Jimin cleared his throat to get Min Jae's attention, "Min Jae–ssi, we were kind of in a hurry because the next train will leave in an hour and a half," Jimin said politely.

"Ah, right. So uhm, see you again, Min Jae–ah," Taehyung said and forced a smile.

Min Jae nodded in understanding and smiled at them, "Oh deh, sure. I'll see you again hyung," he told Taehyung, "You too Jennie–ssi," he said before completely turning his back from them and went back inside his car then drove off. Taehyung looked at Jennie and saw her expression was very far from comfortable. Same with his friends.

"Uhm, let's go," Jin said breaking the silence. He opened the passenger's seat door for Jisoo and let her in before closing for her also as he went around to go to the driver's seat.

"So it wasn't nice to meet the three of us, eh?" Jisoo joked while putting on her seatbelt. They heard it and laughed lightly except for Jimin who was looking at Taehyung worriedly who was just also looking outside the window.

He nudged his friend that lightly turned to him, "Gwenchana?" he asked worriedly.

"Neh, Jiminie," he answered with an assuring smile in hopes of not making his friend worry anymore.

Jimin sighed and nodded, "Just know that I'm always here."

Taehyung smiled, his childish smile, then wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck, hugging him that made his friend chuckle. (A/N: For the love of VMin).

"Ahhh, I'm getting jealous," they heard Rose said and saw her with arms crossed and lips pouted, they just laughed a little at her remarked for they knew that she was just joking.

An hour later, they arrived at the train station that they first returned the van and paid for the rent. They went to the ticketing booth and bought their tickets heading to Seoul. They hurriedly walked to the train as they got fifteen minutes left before leaving. They luckily got inside before boarding and found four rows of seats free, exactly for them.

They took the seats as the train started to drive off. Jungkook looked at Lisa who was staring outside the window with a blank expression. It was a new image for him, because knowing Lisa, she always have that cheerful expression on her face, especially if she's with her friends and with him. But now, it makes him worried that something's bothering her that he held her hand that was resting on her lap and squeezed it lightly.

Lisa felt it that she looked at Jungkook and saw worry flodded his eyes, "Is something wrong?" he asked with his soft voice. Lisa forced a smile and shook her head, "Nothing," she answered but nothing changed in Jungkook's eyes.

"Come on, you've been like that since your phone call the other night," Jungkook reasoned but sighed and let it go for now that he just smiled at her as he held both her cheeks, "Just tell me when you're ready," he added then let go of her and looked straight ahead, then closed his eyes trying to get some sleep.

Lisa sighed and felt guilty for she thought Jungkook doesn't deserve her lies. She felt uncomfortable hiding something from him. She leaned her head on his shoulder, "I'm going to Thailand this weekend," she blurted that caused Jungkook to open his eyes and looked at her who was already looking at him straight in the eyes.

Mixed emotions filled Lisa's eyes. Nervousness, sadness, anxiety – those were the emotions that he saw, "Why... all of a sudden?" Jungkook trailed off as he also felt the same way as her seeing her like this.

Lisa sighed again, "I don't know, Mom said it was my father's request," he furrowed his brows in curiosity for Lisa told him about her relationship with her father that it wasn't good.

Jungkook shrugged his negative thoughts away. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her tightly, comforting her, "Everything's gonna be fine," he said smiling, "You'll come back though, right?" he asked, asking for assurance.

Lisa giggled hearing this, "Of course, my life's here," she sweetly answered, those simple words of his comforted her and eased the tension building up inside her for now. Hearing this made Jungkook smile widely, shoring his bunny teeth and kissed the top of her head quickly.

"I'll always come back for that."

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