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"I miss you too..."

Jimin's eyes shot open hearing those three words that he thought he will never be hearing again. He slowly looked at the person beside him who snuggled more to him and was already staring at him with a soft smile plastered on her face.

He blinked multiple times then rubbed his eye, "Am I dreaming?" he innocently asked himself still looking at Rose with wide questioning eyes.

Rose giggled as he find him cute that made her pinch his chubby cheek lightly, "No, silly," she answered smiling as she caressed his hair away from his forehead, "I miss you," she repeated.

Jimin just stared at her, a lot of questions running in his mind, he still can't believe that he'll be experiencing this kind of situation whereas Rose and he are in good terms, but the big question in his mind was HOW, how did they end up being like this early in the morning, it's not like he doesn't want it, in fact he loves it, he loves every second passing by.

He thought that this kind of scene unfolding before him will only happen in his dreams since their break up. But now that it's happening, he can't find the proper words to tell her, "B-but... Why- How- Just yesterday- What happe-" he continuously uttered but no proper sentence was created.

"I'm sorry," Rose apologized and at the same time cutting his stuttering by putting her forefinger onto his lips. Jimin's eyes that were full of surprise, and confusion slowly started to turn into crescents as he started to smile widely finally sinking in what's happening.

"I-I already know everything. I'm sorry if I-" Rose tried to continue but was also cut midway when Jimin pecked her lips quickly that made her blush instantly.

"No need for you to apologize baby. I'll forgive you anyway," he said then winked at her making her giggle as she realized that he's still her playful, flirty, and loving Jiminie. (a/n: Oh, how I envy you girl. LOL).

They tightened the wrap of theirs arms with each other and stayed on the bed for a little longer to cuddle, "But still, I called you a liar and didn't trust you," she whined in a cute way but deep inside of her she was really guilty and want to say that to him to express her apology. She was disappointed at herself for acting that way, she thought if only she listed to in the first place they won't be hurt and lonely all this time.

Jimin chuckled softly then tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear away from her lovely face. He smiled at her again and caressed her cheek that made Rose lean more to his touch, "Forget the past now. It happened. Just promise me to trust me more this time," he asked her then lift his pinky finger to her that she gladly accepted with her pinky finger wrapped around his.

"Promise," she answered smiling then kissed their locked fingers lightly, "I love you."

"I love you too," then kissed her forehead.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes as felt a lot of shifting beside him. He looked beside him and saw the little Ji Hoon moving his arms and legs like he was swimming in the water while still sleeping. Jungkook chuckled but abruptly stopped when he that the other side of the bed was empty, where Lisa was supposed to be sleeping.

He sat up then looked at the other bed where he expected to see Jin and Jisoo still sleeping but he found it also empty. He just shrugged and thought that the two might be already downstairs cooking knowing that they were the eldest and just being responsible. He then turned his attention to the sofa inside their room just like in Taehyung and Jimin's room.

Looking at the sofa made his eyes fully awake as he saw the person he was finding sleeping there. He scratched his head in question on why she was there when he clearly saw last night she was beside Ji Hoon. He walked to the sofa then sat on the space near Lisa's tummy.

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