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Jennie let Taehyung led the way as they arrived at Daegu. They went out of the station then walked straightly to whereas the taxi cue located. She's just following Taehyung behind when a small flower stall caught her attention just outside the station.

She figured that Taehyung just wanted to visit his halmeoni's remains but she thought they can't go there empty handed. She glanced at Taehyung's back that continued to walk that she quickly went to the stall, the taxi cue was easy to find anyway, then scanned the flowers, all of them were beautiful but a lavender colored one caught her attention.

"Ajumma," she called out to the vendor that turned to her with soft smile that she returned as she said her order, "Ajumma, a half dozen of that flower juseyo," she said as she pointed to the lavender colored flowers.

The vendor happily tended to her as it picked the flowers, "Do you want me to arrange it? What's it for?" the vendor kindly asked.

"Oh, you can do that?" she asked cheerfully, "Okay then Ajumma, it's for my friend's halmeoni, it's her memorial today," she said with a smile that the vendor nodded and arranged the flower in a circular way, it became small making it handy. Once done, the vendor handed it to her, she smiled at the arrangement in satisfaction, "Ajumma, jjang!!" she exclaimed making the vendor giggle, then handed her the payment.

She thanked the vendor, then waved good bye as she walked to the taxi cue but saw Taehyung walking to her with a worried expression, "Why, what's wrong? Are you alright?" she asked seeing his expression.

"Yah, I thought I lost you," he answered then relief washed over her face.

Jennie smiled then held the flower leveling it to his eyes, "Chaaaan! We can't go there empty handed you know," she excitedly told him, making Taehyung smile widely, then scratched the back of his head shyly, "Mian, I was too excited that I forgot."

Jennie just giggled at his shyness, Taehyung chuckled then held her wrist, "Let's go," he said, that she nodded in agreement, then went to the taxi cue, just in time for them to step into one. Taehyung told the driver the address of the sanctuarium. After half an hour, they arrived at a peaceful looking building, Taehyung paid the driver then they went inside the building.

Jennie followed him again then they arrived at the seventh floor and turned left, she noticed that Taehyung's pace was slowing down when they reached the third room. (A/N: Kindly imagine the ones in Korean dramas whenever there's a scene where there were also memorials. Thank you ^^. Sorry, I suck at describing the place ^^).

Taehyung was about to step inside but Jennie grabbed his hand, stopping him, he turned to her with a confused face, "Here," she handed him the flower, "I'll just stay here," she said smiling softly. Taehyung nodded and smiled back, accepting the flowers that she bought. Jennie patted his shoulder lightly and mouthed a 'go' that Taehyung made his way inside.

Taehyung slowly walked then stopped when he was faced to where his halmeoni's remains were kept, a faint smile escaping his lips as he stared at the pictures that were inside, he placed the flower in front, then stepped back a little, clasping his hands to his stomach, "Halmeoni, annyeong!" he said as he stared at his halmeoni's solo picture.

"I know it's been three years, but I only visited you just now since you left," he paused then lifted his head lightly as he felt tears were trying to escape his eyes, he blinked rapidly then focused to his halmeoni again, "Mianhe halmeoni... Chincha mianhe... I miss you... So much..." he trailed as tears now continuously roll down his cheeks. He wiped them then glanced to where Jennie was and saw her smiling at him. A smile that says to be strong and continue, that's what he thought that made him smile despite the tears.

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