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Not long after Jennie left their house, Jin and Jimin came home with the sight of Taehyung sitting on their front door steps – head bowed, hands on his head, messing his hair up, and they could clear faint sniffing coming from him, not noticing that they have arrived and was standing in front of him.

Jimin sadly sighed as he saw another one of his friends was in a broken state. When he and Jin were driving home, they noticed that Jennie abruptly disappeared the whole night, and they didn't catch a glimpse of Taehyung too, figured he didn't come to the party. Same with Jungkook and Lisa. They were too occupied the whole night that they just noticed their friends were missing when they were on their way home.

Jimin quickly sat beside Taehyung and patted his back in a comforting way, Jin followed suit setting his own sentiments aside first seeing his dongsaeng was also in an emotional state.

Taehyung looked side by side as he felt a presence on both of his sides, he peeked slightly and figured that it was his friends, just arrived from the party. He quickly wiped his face and lifted his head up, turned to Jimin as he felt his hand patting his back.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked softly as Taehyung stared into space again, his shoulders were slumped down and hands clasped together, his face were stained with tears.

Taehyung shook his head without hesitation, there's no use in pretending that he was fine in front of his friends especially that they arrived when he was in his broken state, and he was still obviously, currently, in it.

"Jennie..." his voice was shaky but still manned up and continued what he wanted to say ignoring the single tear that shamelessly rolled down on his cheek again, "Left me..."

Jimin let out another sigh hearing this, he knew how much his friend adored the said girl. He knew how much he likes her, or even loves her already. He knew every emotion that Taehyung has felt towards Jennie. He just knew everything that it broke his heart seeing his friend so broken right now.

"Tell me about it..." Jin sadly muttered for he felt like the level of pain Taehyung was feeling right now was the same level as he was also experiencing at the moment. He was also hurt like his friend, and it hurt him see that their friend that was always full of life so lifeless right now.

Taehyung breathed deeply trying to control his sobs, "I gave her up..."

Jimin threw him a confused look, "Why? You love her," he said.

Taehyung faintly smiled hearing what Jimin said, "For Min Jae... He likes her, and you knew how much I cared for my family that I'll give everything to them even the things that made me happy..." he answered with a sad smile.

Jin sighed and lightly knocked his head, "Pabo, Taehyung, pabo," he said, scolding him, "You always cared for the happiness of other people, but you have always ignored yours! Aish."

Taehyung let out a sad chuckle, "Sad truth hyung... Sad truth," he said acknowledging Jin's scolding. He couldn't talk back like he always did whenever he scolded him, for what his hyung said right now was true, and he felt stupid enough to not realize it.

Jimin just stayed quietly and kept on patting Taehyung's back the comforting way, he didn't want to scold him further for he felt bad because for him he also had a good reason for giving up the things that he liked, and that was loving and caring for his family. He admired Taehyung for that, but on the other side of his mind, he wanted to tell him that he should be also caring and thinking of himself because one day, he might be left forever unhappy, just like now. But being the eldest in their group, he let Jin do that for him.

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