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"Oh, you're not in the mood again," Rosé said as she saw Jennie walking to their seat frowning.

"Aish, blame Kim Taehyung," Jennie answered then slumped on her seat beside Rosé.

"Waeyo? What did he do this time?" Jin asked, who was seated behind them.

"Aniya, he just kept on annoying me," Jennie said pouting, making Rosé giggle at her tantrums.

"Just date him! Trust me, he'll never annoy you instead he'll be lovey dovey to you!!!" Jin said teasingly.

"Yah shut up or I'll tell unnie to reject you," Jennie backfired, that Jin coughed to clear his throat and felt threatened, "Jennie-yah, I was only joking, forgive oppa, hhmm?" he said cutely, but Jennie just smirked at him, "Aish, I'll be careful next time," Jin whispered to himself.

"Jin oppa is very afraid to be rejected, I see," Rosé teased making Jin frown at her, but she just ignored him then turned to Jennie, "Jenjen-ah, what's wrong with Taetae anyway? Oh! You even have the same nickname, repeating the first syllables of your names, oh so meant to be!!!!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

"Yah, are you crazy? If we ended up dating, there'll be no peace. We'll just keep on fighting, no good result will come out of that relationship," she defended.

"Why do I hear some disappointment in that statement?" a voice asked surprising them that they turned their heads behind them.

"Yoongi oppa, gwenchana? You're awake!" Jennie said surprised.

"Yah, I'm awake this whole time alright," he defended.

"Really? Your eyes say otherwise though," Jin said smirking, earning a smack on his head from Yoongi making the two girls laugh but they stopped abruptly once hearing their teacher walk in to their room.

"JISOOYAAAAAAAH," Jin yelled excitedly as they arrived in the cafeteria to their usual table, heading towards straight to Jisoo while his hands were extended towards her aiming for a hug.

Jisoo quickly stood up then walked towards Jin with a big smile on her face, " Jinieeeee!!!" she answered and accepted his hug.

"You two, just get a room," Jennie said jokingly taking a seat beside Lisa, "Hey unnie," Lisa greeted her, Jennie hugged her lightly, leaned her head on Lisa's shoulder and yawned, "Eh, still sleepy?" Lisa asked while browsing on her IG, and Jennie just nodded.

"Yah, you should have been like that when I hugged you earlier," Taehyung complained while taking a sip on Jungkook's yogurt, "Aish hyung, go get one yourself," Jungkook complained snatching his drink back, "Thank you, Kookie~" he said sweetly.

Jennie just rolled her eyes then tried to tease him for being sweet towards his friend, "Are you inlove with Kookie?" she smirked.

Taehyung then hugged Kookie tightly from behind and put his chin on his shoulder that Kookie doesn't mind, "Is my Jendeukie being jealous right now?" he teased back.

"Aish you're annoying," she just said that made Taehyung and Jungkook chuckle.

"Alright you two, just go get some food. You," Jisoo pointed at Taehyung, "Stop making Jennie jealous, and you," she turned to Jennie, "Just tell Taehyung that you like him," Jisoo said making all of them tease the two endlessly.

"Unnie!!!!! I don't like him, okay?!" Jennie defended then stood up and walked to the counter to get food.

"Jisoo noona, jjang!!" Taehyung said giving his noona two thumbs up who winked at him then he walked to the counter as well, "Yah, don't wink at my dongsaeng!" Jin said acting cutely.

"Hyung, don't do that again, it's cringey," Jungkook told his hyung making Jisoo and Lisa laugh, "Yah, mind your own business, aegyoless maknae," Jin scolded then stick his tongue out.

"Childish hyung," Jungkook whispered to himself then turned to Lisa, "Lisa-ah, are you busy after school?"

Lisa was surprised by his question that caused a riot in her mind, omo is he goona ask me out? Oh no, what am I gonna say? Should I tell him straight that I don't have anything to do? Or should I play hard to get? She thought to herself.

"Well... uhm... I don't think so.. Waeyo?" she carefully answered still looking at him.

"Well, I'm just wondering if we could hang out, maybe?" Jungkook answered while scratching the back of his head.

"Are you asking Lisa on a date?? Omo, our Kookie is a man now!" Jin exlcaimed dramatically that made the two maknaes turn their heads towards him and Jisoo, they didn't know that their hyung and unnie were listening to their conversation all this time.

Jin's question made Lisa hung her head low to cover her blushing face, "Lisa's blushing," Jisoo said excitedly making Lisa glare at her but she just continued on smiling widely. Just then Lisa turned back her attention to her phone and hurriedly text someone.

'Sure, see you later. :)'

She typed then sent it to the guy sitting behind him who was still being teased by his hyung. He stopped talking to Jin when he felt his phone in his pocket vibrated. He read the message that made him smile immediately, he turned to Lisa who was already looking at him with a smile, he smiled back then stood up to go.

"Yah, where are you going?" Jisoo asked.

"Where there is no Jin hyung," he replied making Jin glare at his walking figure, "Evil maknae!" Jin shouted but Jungkook just continued on walking and raised his hand saying goodbye.

'Meet me at the back gate then, see you later Lisa-yah :)'

Jungkook replied to Lisa, once sent he put back his phone in his pocket and walked back to their classroom with a bunny smile on his face.

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