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"Hey Kookie," Jennie greeted when she saw the said male standing outside the ballroom of the hotel where their Graduation ball was being held.

Jungkook turned to the voice that called him and smiled immediately seeing that it was his friend, "Noona," he greeted with a smile, "You look great!" he complimented making Jennie let out a soft chuckle.

"Annyeong Min Jae-ssi," he greeted the guy beside Jennie with a bow, even though he was younger than Min Jae, he doesn't call him hyung, but calls him with formality. He was honestly surprised that Jennie's with him for what he knew Taehyung was supposed to be her date.

Min Jae bowed back, "Annyeong," he greeted back with a small smile then turned to Jennie immediately, "Let's go," he said as he pulled her with him, entering the ballroom.

But Jennie gently pulled her hand back and told him to wait for a bit as she went back to where Jungkook was, "Why aren't you inside?" she asked Jungkook curiously.

"Ah, I'm waiting for my Lalice, noona," he said with a loving smile making Jennie smile with him hearing his sweet endearment for her friend.

But her smile slowly dropped in realization that Lisa hasn't arrived yet, "She must've been caught in a traffic," she said that Jungkook answered with a nod then both of them glanced at the entrance of the hotel hoping that Lisa would enter eventually.

Then Jungkook returned his attention to Jennie when he remembered something, "Noona, why were you with Min Jae, isn't Taehyung hyung your date?" he whispered to her noticing that Min Jae was waiting for Jennie not that far from where they were.

"Min Jae told me that Taehyung's running late and asked him to pick me up," Jennie whispered back but confusion in Jungkook's face didn't fade even just a little.

"That's weird, he would've asked us to fetch noona instead of him," he mumbled that Jennie didn't catch causing her to nudge Jungkook as she asked him what he had said.

Jungkook scratched his head, "Ah... What I said noona was, I'll call hyung for you and ask him where he was," he said with an assuring smile.

"Oh, that's great Kookie! Tell me when you hear from him," Jennie replied with a bright smile, Jungkook smiled back and nodded then told her to go with Min Jae inside so she could sit down and wait comfortably for his hyung.

Jennie nodded and waved to him before walking to where Min Jae was then went inside the ballroom with him. Jungkook grabbed his phone from his pocket and tapped the number six on his screen, speed dialing Taehyung.

He waited for the phone to be answered then stared at his phone in question when he heard the familiar voice of a woman saying that he should leave a message after the ring. Taehyung didn't answer that it went straightly to voice mail.

He shrugged and just decided to call him again for a little while later that he returned his phone inside his pocket. He gazed back to the entrance of the hotel, waiting for Lisa. He heard that the program of their ball already started inside but he stayed rooted to his spot as he still patiently waited for Lisa.

He decided to call his hyung again, but no answer again. It started to make him worry but he was more worried about Lisa for two hours had already passed since the program started and she hasn't arrived yet. He also called her phone but she wasn't picking up too.

He walked nearer to the entrance thinking that Lisa might just be outside encountering some problems causing her to not enter inside yet. But to his dismay, no Lisa was found. In fact, the driveway entrance of the hotel was empty. Aside from the two security guards, two bellboys, and a waiting empty taxi.

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