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The girls woke up earlier than their usual time waking up during the weekdays especially Jennie who was known as the deepest sleeper in their group. These past few days, she can't sleep easily because the incidents from last week kept on repeating in her mind, plus the boy Goo Junhoe who seems to be close to her haven't contacted her since then.

He always calls me before though. Should I talk to him later? She thought to herself, then shook her head. Aish. Molla. I'll just wait til he calls me. Maybe he's busy lately.

She sighed at the thought as she continues on combing her hair in front of the mirror in her and Jisoo's room "Well that's deep," a voice said, she looked at their bedroom door and found her Jisoo unnie leaning against it while looking at her.

She smiled at her unnie then asked her a favor, "Unnie, can you braid my hair?" Jisoo quickly walked towards her as an answer, she grabbed the comb from Jennie then combed her hair carefully and started doing the braids, "Gomawo," Jennie said smiling.

"No problem Jenjen, are you alright though?" Jisoo asked while fixing Jennie's hair.

"Neh, just that, I hate it when I wake up early," Jennie answered her unnie rolling her eyes, making that habit of hers as an excuse and to avoid blurting out her problems to Jisoo. She's not just ready yet to tell her, them, about Junhoe and all.

Jisoo chuckled at her answer, "Yeah I know. There all done," she said smiling as she finished fixing her hair then Jennie checked herself out on the mirror in front of her, Jennie smiled back at her unnie satisfied at her work, "Thanks Jichu," she said cutely. Jisoo pinched her cheeks then told her that their breakfast was ready.

The girls decided to go to school after eating their breakfast though they still have about an hour left before their classes start when they arrived. They decided to stay in their school's garden that looked like a mini park, when they got there, they were surprised to see Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung chatting on one of the benches.

"Oh you guys were early too," Lisa exclaimed as they got to the bench where they were. The three boys looked up and saw the girls, they greeted them and offered the seat to them, "Where's Kookie?" Jisoo asked as she sat beside Jin who remained seated while Jimin and Taehyung stood up, then Rosé took the space beside Jisoo quite close to Jimin but she just ignored him.

Jimin was about to greet her but stopped himself when Rosé didn't even glance at him, he bowed his head feeling sad and disappointed at himself at the same time, Taehyung noticed his friend's reaction that he pat his back lightly, Jimin gave his friend a small smile feeling the small comfort he's giving.

"You know Kookie, he likes to walk, you'll see him around later," Jin answered. Jisoo nodded in understanding then turned to Rosé as they continued their conversation about a drama that Jin also likes engaging himself to their chats.

Taehyung looked to his other side where he found Lisa and Jennie standing also talking about some things, he saw Jennie fixed her hair today that attracted his attention for Jennie doesn't style her hair often. He slowly walked behind Jennie then tapped her shoulder softly. Jennie abruptly stopped what she was saying to Lisa when she felt a tap on her shoulder she looked behind her and found Taehyung smiling cutely at her that made her eyes widen in confusion.

Lisa peeked behind Jennie and chuckled at Taehyung's cuteness, then suddenly laughed when they heard what he said next, "Elsa! Do you wanna build a snowman~" Taehyung sang in a child like voice, imitating Anna from Frozen, as he found Jennie's braid was like Elsa's from the cartoon movie Frozen also. Jimin also chuckled at his friend's silliness, but him, Lisa, and especially Taehyung were all surprised when Jennie giggled instead of shouting and starting a fight with him.

"Jennie-yah, what did you eat this morning?" Jimin asked with wide eyes and got closer to their spot.

"Food, why?" she playfully answered as she still find Taehyung's childishness a bit cute.

"Yah, you didn't tell Taehyungie he's annoying or shoo him away. You're weird! You should eat that food everyday so that you'll not fight with our Taehyung," Jimin teased and lightly hugged Taehyung from behind as if protecting him from harm.

"I think my unnie's sick, don't you think so oppas?" Lisa added chuckling.

"I think so too," Jimin and Taehyung said at the same time, "Jennie tell me what food that is and I'll give and feed it to you everyday," Taehyung said to Jennie as he really thought about her giggling at him was a miracle.

Jennie rolled her eyes at them for she thought they were overreacting, "Now you're starting to annoy me," she teased. The boys were about to say more when Lisa suddenly told Jennie that she'll be in the restroom for a while. Jennie nodded then waved good bye. Jennie turned back to Jimin and Taehyung then suddenly grabbed Taehyung's wrist making the two surprised again, "Yah you, come with me," she commanded.

Taehyung looked at her wide eyed and asked, "Whe-where are we going?" he asked stuttering.

Jennie smiled at him playfully then answered, "We're gonna build a snowman," she said with a wink then pulled Taehyung with her exiting the garden.

"Oh, they just left me," Jimin said to himself as he watched his two friends leaving the school garden together. He turned around and found out his Jin hyung and Jisoo noona were gone too, leaving him and Rosé behind. Rosé had her head down as she was checking her phone for a while then when she looked up, she was surprised that it was only her and Jimin left together. She stood up and was about to walk away when Jimin caught her arm stopping her.

She looked his way without any expressions on her face, "What now?" she asked coldly that made Jimin let go of her slowly.

He withdrew his hand and put it on his side, "Rosé, will you listen to me right now?" he asked carefully hoping that she'll accept.

"If you're just gonna tell me the same old lie, I guess I don't have any reason to stay and listen to you," Rosé answered still with the cold tone.

"So you still think it's a lie?" Jimin asked with a small bitter smile, "Rosé, you know me whenever I'm saying the truth or not. I won't be repeating it again and again for a month if I know in myself that whatever reason I'm telling you all this time were untrue," Jimin said defending himself, he felt a bit disappointed at her for still thinking that he's lying to her all this time.

Rosé got a bit taken aback from his sudden outburst for she knows to herself that Jimin was right, and she can also tell that he felt a little disappointed towards her behaviour just now. But she can't blame herself for she was still hurt, her wounds were still fresh.

"Geure, if that's how you think it is, let's leave it that way then," Jimin said that got her attention more, "See you around," he said then left her standing there looking at his walking figure.

Was he giving up right now? Am I doing the right thing? She asked herself as Jimin's words shot through her.

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