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Class started, it was their last subject before their lunch break. Jennie was staring in the front, where as their teacher was explaining some stuff she had no interest in for her mind was flying somewhere else. She looked around and saw that all of her classmates were engrossed in the topic while she's just looking and not absorbing a thing.

All she want to do now was to see Taehyung. She admitted to herself that she was worried for that guy. She thought when Taehyung confessed to her, things would be awkward between them. But instead, she became more comfortable around him, Taehyung was really fun to be with she thought.

After the incident between her and Junhoe, Taehyung was always there for her, cheering her up though she refused to show it and always told him that he annoyed her. But Taehyung ignored that, and kept on being by her side. And deep inside of her she liked it.

Maybe she was used to seeing him, and knowing that guy was always cheerful and now that when she heard that he wasn't feeling well triggered her to be worried. Right, it's not like I miss him or anything, right...? She asked herself then suddenly shaking her head away from her thoughts. Aish.

She really needs to get out of here. She looked beside her and saw Rose listening carefully to their teacher. She looked down to her desk then grabbed her scratch paper and wrote something. After that, she moved the paper closer to Rose's side then nudged her, Rose looked at her with a 'what' look, she signaled her to look on their table that Rose followed.

'I really want to see him'. It read that made a smile slowly crept up to Rose's lips. Rose picked up her pen then wrote back.

'How? We still have classes after break. Just wait a little longer.' Jennie pouted at the thought then wrote back.

'But... I have a plan, I need your support.' Rose furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity. She looked at Jennie as if asking what is it that Jennie continued writing down on the paper and Rose looked down.

'We did this before...' Jennie smirked and looked at Rose that smiled back at her with determination completely knew what she meant. They both sat properly then looked at the teacher first who was still busy explaining about something. Rose took the Jennie's scratch paper and piled it inside her book afraid they'll get busted.

Jennie slowly bend her back to the table and held her abdomen a little tight, then scrunched her face in pain, "Ouch!" she exclaimed a bit loud that got the attention of their classmates including their teacher.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jin asked curiously, he was sitting behind her, he can clearly see her pained expression.

"Omo, unnie! Are you alright?" Rose exclaimed, full of care and panic.

Jennie continued showing a pained expression, "It hurts," she said while gripping on her abdomen.

"Oh no, Teacher–nim, can I bring her to the clinic?" Rose asked with her oh–so–soft voice she uses when she wanted to get something.

The teacher looked at Jennie worriedly and nodded her head quickly, "That would be better, Ms. Park. Carry her bag for her," their teacher said that Rose immediately followed then held Jennie's arms supporting her to stand up then made their way to the clinic.

When they were far from their room, Jennie stood straight then high fived Rose. They laughed at what they did, "Unnie, nice acting!" Rose giggled.

"I know right, though you were a little over reacting," Jennie commented then imitated the way how Rose said 'omo unnie!'. Rose laughed at her as they continued their way to the clinic.

Once in the clinic, they continued acting again so that the nurse will give Jennie the slip where she can go home or stay in the clinic, she'll be excused from class the whole day. The nurse tend to her then started filling up the slip for her. She gave it to Jennie then asked her if she wanted to stay or go home.

Of course Jennie said she preferred to go, and also told her that their dorm was just two blocks away that convinced the nurse more. The nurse eventually nodded then escorted her to the gate and hailed a cab for her, she thanked the nurse then went inside the cab. While Rose was already back to their classes and brought a copy of the slip then gave it to their teacher.

'Rosie, how can I get in? Taehyung won't answer...'

Rose read the message that pop out on her phone screen when she opened it. It was lunch time, she and Jin were sitting on their usual table in the cafeteria waiting for the others to come. She tapped the reply button then was about to type a message when suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around her from behind.

"Hey," a soft voice greeted her that made her lips turn into a smile, she looked up then saw Jimin smiling at her widely. She hugged him back, "Hey you," she greeted back then Jimin sat beside her.

"Hey Rosie," Lisa greeted that sat on the chair in front of her. She looked at Lisa and was about to greet back but the latter was busy with her phone that she just turned back to Jimin, then remembered Jennie's problem.

"Jimin–ah," she called out but just loud enough for them to hear.

"Neh?" he answered smiling while resting his chin on his palms.

"Uhm, Jennie unnie–"

"Oh right, where is she?" he asked curiously then looked around the cafeteria to find Jennie, but looked back at Rose when he found none.

"At your house..." Jimin's eyes widened for he saw Jennie with them this morning and now she's at their house.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "But why is she there?"

Rose sighed, as much as she wanted not to tell others about her unnie but this is the only option she got right now, "She wanted to see Taetae, she's worried," she said that made Jimin smile in amusement.

"Whoa, since when did they become that close, eh?" he asked, that made Rose spill more about Jennie and Taehyung, "WHAT DAEBAK-" he exclaimed but Rose covered his mouth, she looked around them then breathed out in relief when she found the others not in their table.

She turned to him and sent him a warning look, "Be quiet," Jimin nodded then slowly pulled her hand away from his mouth.

"Aish that kid, not telling me anything," he grumbled while crossing his arms on his chest.

Rose just rolled her eyes from his reaction, "Anyway, didn't you tell me that there's a key somewhere outside your house? Jennie can't get in, Taehyung won't answer she said."

Jimin thought for a while then suddenly snapped his finger as he remembered, "There is! Tell her to try the mailbox, and 0613, door's code," he answered that Rose quickly got her phone and replied to Jennie.  

"Hey, where's Jennie noona?" they looked up and saw that it was Jungkook and Lisa in front of them waiting for an answer.

"Right Rosie, I didn't see her when we came here," Lisa seconded that made Rose panic. She looked at Jimin in hopes of helping her but her hopes came down to the drain when she saw that her boyfriend was about to burst in to laughter because of her panicked expression.

She looked back to Lisa and Jungkook and became more nervous when she saw that Jisoo was also there, the three looking at her with furrowed eyebrows in confusion, "She... She uhm... Has cramps?" then a loud laugh coming from Jimin was heard.


HELLOOO itshy_chimchim mention muna kita, phone lang gamit ko, di ko alam kung pano dedicate thru phone hehehehe. Thank you sa flood notifs!!!! =)))))

HAPPY 800+ READS, LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! Sana hindi kayo maumay sa pagkafluff nito hihihihi 😂😂😂

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