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Their way to the ice cream parlor was full of arguments and bickering by Jennie and Taehyung. They fought over small things like whether who was a better girl group 2NE1 or SNSD, who's the better boy group SuJu or Big Bang, better actor Park Hyung Sik or Ji Soo, let's just say they don't have anything much in common. But when they talked about clothes, they finally had something to agree on, Gucci.

Lisa sighed in relief when she heard the two elders finally talking a little bit calmer, talking about Gucci with excitement, "Thank God for gucci," Lisa told herself.

"I know right," Jungkook agreed hearing Lisa's whisper that made her chuckle. They finally arrived in their destination, Jungkook opened the door for Lisa that she thanked him with a smile, he then entered after her. Taehyung opened the door that Jennie smiled to herself for she thought that Taehyung also opened it for her but she was wrong, she almost bumped to the door when Taehyung entered first leaving Jennie behind. Good thing Jennie looked ahead that she caught the door before it closed to her face.

"Yah Kim Taehyung!!" she grumpily called when she walked to the counter towards them, "Neh, Jennie?" Taehyung innocently responded then looked behind him and was greeted by a death glare, "Aish, you're a jerk," Jennie told him with a deathly glare. Taehyung got confused, "What did i do now??" he asked a bit annoyed.

Lisa massaged her forehead lightly like she's having a headache already while Jungkook sighed watching their unnie and hyung argue again about a small thing, "Will you two please be quiet!" Lisa told them a bit loudly that stopped their bickering. The two abruptly stopped their mouths from talking then faced their dongsaengs and bowed their heads, "Mianhe," they said in unison.

"Remind me next time to bring knives then I'll give it to each of you," Jungkook told them that they kept their heads bowed, "Mianhe Kookie," they said again at the same time. Lisa giggled at how cute they acted when apologizing. Jungkook then cleared his throat and faced the menu board again, "Now, order," he commanded.

The two slowly turned their heads on the menu board like kids that got scolded by their mother they then read the menu including Lisa deciding on their ice cream flavors, "Strawberry!!!" Jungkook was startled hearing the loud cheer of his hyung and noona with their sparkling eyes. (a/n: Jungshookt 😂)

"Thank God for strawberry then," Lisa said giggling. Jungkook chuckled then ordered two strawberry ice creams, and two chocolate ice creams for him and Lisa. After getting their orders, they sat down on table for four in the corner of the shop. They ate their ice creams happily while chatting about their vacations. While Jennie and Lisa were chatting away, Jungkook sneakily whispered to his hyung, "Hyung," he called out, "Hmm?" Taehyung answered while browsing from his phone, "I think now is the right time," Jungkook continued. Taehyung turned his head to Jungkook then locked his phone and put it in his pocket.

"Yah Jendeukie," Tae called out to get Jennie's attention quickly.

"Yah, I told you not to call me that," Jennie responded.

"Whatever, come with me," Taehyung then stood up and grabbed Jennie's arm pulling her out of the store with them despite her whining.

"Yah, what are yo-"

"See you two later thanks for the treat," Taehyung told the two while pulling Jennie and leaving the store. Jungkook just waved at them while Lisa was still watching the two, confused.

"Taehyung oppa's really weird sometimes," Lisa commented.

Jungkook cleared his throat to clear off the awkwardness for he knows the reason for the sudden action of Tae, "Nah, I think he's weird all the time," Jungkook remarked that made Lisa chuckle, "You want to go somewhere else to start" he asked smiling shyly.

Lisa's eyes widen hearing him say date. Omo, Jennie unnie's right, date??? Finally Kookie!!! Lisa thought to herself then think of a place where they could date, "Hmm, arcade?" she asked smiling back.

Jungkook felt relieve when Lisa didn't go hysterical when he said date, he smiled at her then nodded in agreement, "Let's go then," they stood up then left for the arcade nearby.

"Yaaaah! Slow down! My ice cream dropped!!" Jennie shouted at him as Taehyung pulled her while walking away in a fast phase "Kim Taehyung!!!!!!!!" she called out loudly that finally stopped him from walking.

Taehyung then turned to her and saw that her ice cream really dropped and stained her uniform blouse a bit, he quickly scanned his pockets for his handkerchief and finally found it. He quickly went nearer to her then wiped the ice cream stain from her blouse, "Here, I'm sorry," he apologized wiping her blouse while Jennie just looked at him surprised, "Gwenchana?" he asked and lifted his gaze to at her.

Jennie was still surprised because of the close distance between them, "N-neh, gwenchana. It's just a stain," she stuttered avoiding his gaze. Taehyung noticed it then stepped backwards and cleared his throat. Jennie turned her attention back to him and pouted, "But my ice cream dropped though," she said sadly that made Taehyung smile.

"Waaah, look at this, the fierce Jennie's acting cute for an ice cream? Oh, kyeooo," he teased then pinched her cheeks lightly. Jennie just rolled her eyes and removed his hands away from her, "Yah you should pay for it," she said.

"If you do it again I just might treat you," he said smirking.

"Do what?" she asked innocently.

"You know...Aegyo," he teased pinching her cheek again that caused Jennie to glare at him again.

"Nevermind. Where are we going anyway?" she asked remembering that he pulled her out of the blue.

Taehyung looked up while massaging his chin, thinking hard for a place where Jennie will be interested and will be with him for a long time. He then snapped his fingers when he thought of the right place, "Gucci?" he asked smiling.

Jennie's eyes brighten quickly hearing the brand name, "Let's go then!!!!" They quickly turned right to arrive at their destination. Jennie was walking ahead of Taehyung happily. They were just two shops away from Gucci when a girl and a guy that looks like a couple went out from a shop beside Gucci, Jennie's walking slowed down until she stopped. Wait, is that him? It's him, right? I know his back features, I can't be wrong. But who's that girl he's holding? Jennie thought to herself as she watched the couple walking away from them while hugging each other and held hands. Then suddenly the girl turned her head behind and got eye contact with Jennie.

Jennie's eyes widen recognizing the girl, but the girl just smirked at her then looked at her front while walking and holding the boy's hand. Seulgi? What are they doing? Aren't they over? Jennie thought to herself, she looked down thinking hard, hurt was evident in her eyes. Taehyung finally caught her and stopped beside her catching his breath, "Yah... You.. walk so.. fast," he said panting. He looked at her then stood properly noticing that she was deep in thought and frowning.

"Jennie-ah, gwenchana? Gucci's there, let's go" he asked then held her wrist and tried to pull her to the shop but Jennie stood still to her spot still looking down. Taehyung went back beside her worriedly, he held her face and lift it up then looked at her eyes, "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly, for he was worried that Jennie might cry any second now.

"Taehyung-ah.." she finally spoke, "I-I'll just go home, hmm?" she answered fighting the tears back. She then turned around and started walking away from Taehyung. He quickly walked beside her then pulled her to his side when someone almost bumped into her that might cause her to fall, Jennie ended up to his embrace to her surprise, she looked up and saw Taehyung just nodded to the person who almost bumped into her. He looked at Jennie after the person apologized, "Come on, I'll walk you home," he told her. He held her hand while they walked worried that something might happen to her again.

To his surprise Jennie didn't show any reaction that she just walked with him, without any expressions on her face. That made him more curious about what happened to her. He let it slide for the mean time and quietly made their way to the girl's dorm.

Jennie kept her head low still thinking about the incident. Ani Jennie yah, stop overthinking. She convinced herself. But it didn't work that she just sighed. Goo Junhoe, you better explain this to me.

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