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While the girls were singing crazily in their house back in Korea, there's Lisa, their maknae, who was lifelessly lying on her bed back in her hometown, Thailand. One week had passed, and hope was slowly fading away from her system. In that one week, she tried everything and anything to convince her father to not push through her arranged wedding. But every time she did that, she always ended up hurt, disappointed, and miserable.

Her father won't listen to her. He remained still, strict, and cruel towards her. She tried to convince and asked for help from her mother but it only made her more miserable for her mother couldn't do anything but to apologize and reject all the help she had been asking all this while.

Feeling dejected, she spent most of her time locking herself inside of her bedroom, lying on the bed, scrolling through her phone - either in her photo gallery which was full of her and Jungkook's photos and also the girls, or in her message inbox where her favorite conversations with Jungkook were saved - she missed him so much that it pained her, making her shed some tears every time she was reminded of the night she saw him in the airport before she left.

That night was supposed to be perfect, precious, and memorable in a good way for the both of them, for all of them, but it turned out the way they didn't want it to be. Lisa felt angry at herself for doing that to Jungkook. She knew very well that he doesn't deserve that, she knew how Jungkook felt towards her but all she did was hurt him in the end. She made him feel that nothing wrong was happening between the two of them, he asked her multiple times to make sure but she didn't tell him anything about it, she hid it all from him resulting to this painful situation both of them were facing.

And as for her friends, she wished that she had told them sooner about her problem, she knew that they'll be able to help her about it, but then she remembered that she didn't want to trouble them and be a burden for her friends for they also got their own lives and problems to deal with. She heard from Rosé about the issues Jennie and Jisoo were currently facing, and she couldn't help but to feel sorry towards her unnies. She thought that everything was going smoothly with their lives but turned out she was wrong, and that was somehow another reason why she was halfly thankful that she didn't tell them, she'll just cause more stress, Lisa thought.

For her, it would be better to solve your own problems than to involve other people around you, for sometimes it'll only make the problem worst and also may affect those people negatively.

That's the thing she had kept in her mind, to make her feel somehow fine. But she still couldn't avoid the fact that she felt lonely and alone at the moment. She felt she had no one to rely and lean on. Then Jungkook's image flashed in her mind, surely Jungkook would stay by her side at times she's problematic, but her problem now involved leaving him, making her shrug Jungkook away from her thoughts, she lost all the hope that she has been holding onto when she still had time to convince her father because nothing could ever change her father's mind now.

Sometimes she had doubt if she's really his daughter for he cared about himself and the business than her. The only mistake for him that she did was to study in Korea, but she still can't understand why he hated her because of that. It's not like she did something illegal, she was still studying hard like a good daughter should do. She didn't do drugs or anything, heck she had been doing great in school, but still her father was mad.

Lisa sadly sighed as she thought of how pathetic her life was, lying on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her room was very quiet, only her deep sighs and the rain hitting their rooftop could be heard. It has been like that for a week, she'll only go down to eat her meals but sometimes she couldn't find herself having an appetite that she'll just skip it and kept on locking herself inside.

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