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The girls already arrived in their school they were walking around the school's field since they still have time left before the bell rings signaling the start of classes. They were talking about random things while walking but stopped abruptly when they heard someone called Rose, "Rose!!" they turned around and found Jimin with Jungkook and Jin walking towards them.

The three, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose, waved happily at the boys going to them while Jennie stood there looking behind them hoping to find someone. Oh, Taehyung, eodi? She asked in her mind when Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook were already in front of them and no one's behind or following them anymore.

"Hey guys," Jisoo greeted as Jin walked to her and hugged her sideways greeting her a good morning. Jungkook and Jimin did the same with Lisa and Rose, respectively. The three couples were lost in their own worlds, as Jennie's mind were full of questions mainly about why is Taehyung not with them, and where could he have been.

"Uhm, guys, I'm still here," Jennie interrupted jokingly as she felt out of place already. Her friends giggled and turned to her then apologized to her, "Sorry unnie, we'll find you a partner, wait," Lisa told her making the others tease her but she just rolled her eyes at them. She wanted to ask the boys about Taehyung but she wanted to avoid the teasing.

"But where's Taehyung?" Jisoo asked curiously and finally noticed that the boys were missing one member. Jennie silently thanked Jisoo in her mind for asking the question she wanted to ask when the boys arrived.

"Hyung's not feeling well," Jungkook answered.

"Neh, I was waking him up this morning but he just said that he was not feeling well," Jimin further explained. The girls nodded in understanding except for Jennie who was secretly worrying. But he was perfectly fine the other day. She thought to herself. She was about to ask more but the school bell ring that they decided to head to their classes.

Jennie walked with Rose and Jin as they were in the same section. Jennie was still in deep thought while walking that she was surprised when Rose suddenly pulled her, she blinked rapidly before turning to her, "What's wrong?" she asked curiously.

"Unnie, you were almost got hit by the door beside our room," Rose explained to her that made her turn to the room beside theirs and saw someone continuously bowing to her.

"I'm sorry Jennie-ssi," their schoolmate apologized that was seems like the one who opened the door that almost hit Jennie.

"I–it's alright," Jennie said then bowed back. After that they continued walking to their room's door then went inside and sat on their seats.

"Jennie yah, are you okay? You seem out of it," JIn asked concerned. Jennie just nodded at him and gave him a faint smile, "Don't miss Taehyung so much, neh?" Jin said teasingly while patting her back lightly like he was comforting her.

"Yah!" she glared at him but he just laughed that was joined by Rose. Jennie faced the front and ignored her oppa who likes to make fun of her. She crossed her arms on her front and sighed.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure he's fine," Rose whispered to her, "I know you're worried, let's just visit him later," she added then gave her a soft smile that Jennie smiled back at her.

Jennie leaned her head on her shoulder, "Thank you, Rosie."

Three weeks already passed since incidents happened. Rose and Jimin were back together and they have a stronger relationship than before and they were very happy for them, especially the boys for Jimin for their old mochi was back. Many things happened including this incident that only Rose, Jennie, and Taehyung knew about that's why Rose knew why Jennie's like this now.

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