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"Can we talk?"

Jennie stood frozen on her spot. She didn't expect to see him right here, right now, in front of their house. How did he even know their address? She just stood there and stared at Min Jae with eyes that had a mixture of confusion, shock, and full of questions.

They clearly haven't talked nor interacted after what happened that night. In school, Min jae didn't even went near to her unlike his first stays in their school, he wasn't his normal, friendly self. That she thought things between them were already over, like they don't have any reason to be talking or interacting again.

Min Jae started to get nervous as Jennie was taking long to answer his simple question, just a yes or no will do, or even a nod or shake of her head. But Jennie just stood there and stared at him that he was getting scared that she might just push him away. Seeing her reaction, Min Jae lost hope immediately that he just bowed lightly towards Jennie and turned his back from her, ready to leave.

Jennie snapped out of her trance when she saw Min Jae was starting to walk away from her, she quickly blinked her eyes and shook her head away from her daze, waking herself up. She ran after Min Jae to stop him, "Wait, Min Jae," she called while catching up with him.

Hearing her voice called out to him, Min Jae instantly stopped from walking and sighed out of relief, he thought he wouldn't be able to do this anymore. He turned around to face Jennie making her stop on her tracks just two to three steps away from him, "Jennie-ssi," he greeted properly with a smile.

Jennie felt her ears perked up hearing him used formality towards her, it again stunned her as she knew Min Jae doesn't really call her that way because he was too friendly with her already even when the time they first met each other which kind of annoyed her, but right now it felt different, but a good different.

"M-min Jae-ssi," she started then blinked her eyes again and composed herself properly, "Uhm, what are you doing here?" She asked nicely not wanting to sound rude.

Min Jae let out a small smile and asked her again, "Can I talk to you now? I mean, if you aren't busy or not doing anything," he clarified.

"Ah... Well, I was doing something actually," Jennie answered honestly remembering that she left the girls in their dining room, having breakfast.

"Oh, is that so? I'll just come back later or on another day then," he said feeling a little sad but kept on his smiling face as he bowed to Jennie again and was ready to leave for the second time but Jennie stopped him again.

"No, wait, I mean it was just that I am in the middle of eating my breakfast, but I can totally allot time for talking," she said, hearing what he was about to say won't hurt, Jennie thought.

Min Jae smiled and thanked her, Jennie then led him to their mini garden where they could talk properly and privately. When they arrived, Jennie stopped from walking, and so does Min Jae. Jennie turned around to face him, "So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked, her tone wasn't cold nor angry, it was just simple and normal, she honestly didn't know what to feel right now.

Min Jae took a deep breath, "I just came here to tell you, to please don't be mad at Taehyung hyung," he started off, he looked at Jennie who seemed to froze by the mention of his brother's name, he glanced at her eyes and he was sure he caught sight of hurt filling it up.

Jennie cleared her throat and looked away from him, "What about him?" She said with arms crossed in front of her, her voice turned cold unlike earlier, the simplicity and neutrality gone.

Min Jae sighed sadly, "Look Jennie, hyung didn't do anything wrong here, so please don't stay mad at him-"

"Look Min Jae, if you're just here to talk about him, then you may leave now, you know the way out," Jennie spat out, cutting him off and walked pass by him, but even before she could go further, Min Jae caught her wrist, making her stop from walking out.

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