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Before going back to the dining table to eat with the girls again, Jennie stopped herself by their door, wiped her face properly making sure there would be no evidence of her crying before facing the girls again. She didn’t want them to question her endlessly, she didn’t want to talk about that issue again, though she couldn’t just forget about it, she just didn’t want to speak about in a daily basis.

She used the sleeves of her oversized shirt to wipe her face clean, then fixed her hair, and before walking back to her destination, she plastered a smile on her face making it as fine as possible. She then went back in their dining area and saw Rose and Jisoo were making fun of Lisa, they were laughing and joking around, somehow the sight refreshed her, she was sure she’s going to miss this, big time.

She sat down on her seat again, and continued eating the breakfast her friends made for her, and enjoyed it, setting the conversation she had with Min Jae just now aside, she was eating quietly when the girls finally had noticed her come back, “Oh unnie, what took you so long?” Lisa asked with a kiddy pout.

Rose beamed in too with the same facial expression, “Deh, we thought you intended to be out for a long time because you didn’t like the food we made…”

Jennie chuckled at her two younger friends then put down her utensils before reaching out to pinch each of their cheeks, “You two are so cute,” she said as she squished their cheeks making the two protest much to Jennie’s enjoyment.

Jisoo laughed with Jennie as she was her partner in crime in bullying the maknaes after all. Jennie let go of the girls’ faces who were now had pinkish cheeks because of Jennie’s pinching. Jisoo teased the two further as she and Jennie fist bumped each other.

“Unnies are bad…” Lisa whined while massaging her cheek that was squished, Rose nodding in agreement beside her while doing the same thing.

Jisoo giggled at them then turned her attention to Jennie, “Yah Jenjen, who was at the door that took so long for you to come back?” she asked in curiosity.

Jennie abruptly stopped from laughing and looked around their dining area avoiding the three girls’ gazes trying to think of an excuse, “Ah… An ajhumma mistook our place with the place she was looking for, then I tried to help her out so…” she answered with a shrug trying to look as convincing as possible.

Good thing the three just nodded their heads in acknowledgement and just continued eating. Jennie felt at ease that they didn’t ask further anymore that she finished her meal quickly and told the girls she’ll take a bath then pack her things already. The three girls agreed and just let her be as they started cleaning their kitchen and table.

Jennie went upstairs to her and Jisoo’s bedroom and went inside the bathroom. She washed herself for a good twenty minutes and went straightly to their walk in closet when she dried herself already. She looked through her clothes as she decided on an outfit. She picked out a pink ringer shirt with seashell patches on the front that she tucked in with a black leather skirt that was zipped up on front.

She walked out of their closet and faced their vanity mirror inside their bathroom as she started to put light make–up on her face, then blow dried her hair and made it wavy using their hair iron. She smiled at her reflection as she felt satisfied at her appearance.

She then grabbed her black sling bag and placed her passport, ticket, emergency pouch, and phone inside. Afterwards, she picked up her carry–on luggage and put it on the floor as she placed all the clothes she had prepared last night before going to bed. She also put inside her other things like her camera, laptop, and other necessary things for her.

Once done, she zipped her luggage up and put it properly on the floor, ready to go. She slang her bag on her shoulder and pulled her luggage along with her as she went downstairs to the living room where the girls were waiting for her. Lisa helped her settling her luggage down while she went to their shoe rack and grabbed her black old skool vans and wore it.

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