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"Is that you?" Jennie asked as she pointed to one of the photos inside Taehyung's grandmother's grave. The picture that showed a woman with a kid that was smiling widely.

Taehyung looked to where she was pointing and nodded, "Oh, so you always have that boxy smile then," she concluded, "It's cute!" she complimented that Taehyung scratched his head, flattered at her sudden confession.

But he recovered quickly as he remembered something, "But Jendeukie, I'm not crying anymore, so you really think I'm cute?" he teased.

"I said your smile is cute, not you," Jennie fired back then stuck her tongue out to him.

Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness, "Should we go now?" he asked her.

"Are you sure you want to go now? You haven't visited halmeoni for three years," she asked back making sure that Taehyung was really satisfied with the time he spent with his grandmother today, she's worried that he's still sad.

Taehyung smiled and nodded, "Neh, I could always come back here," he assured her that she just nodded in understanding, he then faced his grandmother's picture again and smiled faintly, "Halmeoni, we'll be going now, don't worry, I'll visit you again," he promised. Jennie also said a short good bye then both of them bowed their heads and silently prayed for his grandmother's soul.

After that, they walk their way out of the building still holding each other's hand. Jennie noticed but chose not to react for she thought that it comforts Taehyung, throughout their stay in the Sanctuarium, Taehyung was holding onto her hand for dear life whenever tears spilled out of his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to go now?" she asked again as she observed that Taehyung's blank expression haven't changed since they got out of the building.

Taehyung looked at her and smiled softly, "Neh, we've been there for almost three hours already, it's enough, and I could always go back," he answered, "Besides I wanted to show you something," he added that poked Jennie's curiosity.

"What is it?" she asked with furrowed brows.

"You'll see, let's go," he said then pulled her along with him to the nearest bus stop, just in time for the bus arriving. They hopped inside the bus as Taehyung paid for their fare again much to Jennie's conscience, "Yah, Taehyung–ah, you've been spending a lot on this trip," she said once they settled on the farthest seat.

"Gwenchana, you came all the way here with me though," he reasoned but Jennie just gave out a sigh, and he knew that she'll still try to argue.

"But still–"

"Aniya Jennie–ah, consider this as our date, and to think about it I haven't asked you on a proper date since the day I confessed," Taehyung said then bowed his head in embarrassment.

Jennie smiled then held his chin and made him face her, "Screw the dates, you were always there for me anyways."

"So everything's settled?" Jin asked for the last time before he started driving. They were in front of the girls' house as all of them agreed on going to Daegu and find Taehyung. When everyone decided, the boys quickly went to their rooms to change their clothes and pack their stuff. After that, they went in Jin's car and drove to the girls' house to do the same.

"Neh, oppa, the train leaves in an hour," Rose answered as they all settled inside his car and Jin started driving, "Unnie, should we tell Jennie unnie that we're going to Daegu?" Rose asked Jisoo who was sitting beside her as Jimin took the passenger's seat.

"Ani, let's just let her spend some time with her family," Jisoo answered that Rose just nodded. After half an hour, they arrived at the station and quickly went out of the car except for Jin as he will drive to the station's parking lot where cars can be left.

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