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Weeks had passed since their eventful trip to Daegu. Everything was going fine and it was a relief for everybody, especially for Jisoo. Since she received a text from her long time ex–lover, she became nervous, for she was worried about what he was capable of doing. And she's very sure that it will cause a big problem between her and Jin.

It's the least thing she wanted to happen, especially now that she's very sure of what she feels towards Jin, and she's planning to end his long wait.

"Hey, where's the maknae?" Jennie asked as she saw Jisoo and Rose walking down the hallway together. She left them three as she told them that she'll have to use the bathroom. Now she's about to head back to where she left them but she bumped into her two friends instead.

"She left with Jungkook. AGAIN," Jisoo answered, emphasizing the word again as they noticed that Lisa wanted to be with Jungkook at all times these past few weeks. Jennie rolled her eyes playfully hearing where their maknae was.

"The boys arrived, and where are the others?" Jennie asked.

"They're eating, they said they haven't eaten anything yet, so we just decided to fetch you," Rose replied with a cheery smile.

"Oh, did I take long?" Jennie asked worriedly, as she felt a little bad making them wait and fetch her from the restroom.

"Aniya Jendeuk! Don't worry," Jisoo said with an assuring smile when she saw Jennie's expression, while Rose just gave her a thumbs up and a wink. Jisoo put her arms on both of their shoulders as they walked down the hallways.

"Don't you think Lisa's being all too clingy towards Jungkook?" Jennie asked.

Rose nodded, "Deh unnie, I noticed it too, she wasn't like that before.

"You know, it became like that after she came back from Thailand. Do you think something bad happened?" Jisoo asked worriedly. When they came home from Daegu, Lisa told them that she was going to Thailand on the weekend over their dinner. They asked her why all of a sudden but she just simply answered that it was her father's request.

And just like Jungkook, they were worried for they know Lisa's father wasn't really that good to her. Then Lisa came back, they asked her what happened, she just smiled at them and said that her family just missed her then the next thing she told them was she's going out with Jungkook. They just nodded but they knew her too well that they noticed she was lying, they knew there was something more.

They just let it slide for now, and wait for Lisa to open up to them when she felt like it. They didn't want to force her and interfere with her problems, they respect each other's privacy that much, and it may be the reason why they were all still friends until now.

"Aniya, let's just let Lisa be right now, I know she'll tell us in time," Rose told her unnies with a positive tone that made the two smile back at her.

"Omo! Have you seen the transferees?!! They were good looking!" they heard one of their schoolmates exclaimed that got their attention.

"Transferees? On the third quarter of the school year?" Jennie asked in confusion upon hearing their schoolmates gossiping about the transferees and how good looking they were.

Jisoo just shrugged, "I think it's allowed since we're just high school students," Jisoo answered casually as they continued on walking. Jennie and Rose also just shrugged. But as they walked, all they saw and heard students talking about the transferees, mostly girls.

"Now I'm getting curious of how they look," Rose mumbled but loud enough for the two to hear.

"Don't be like that, Mochi will get jealous," Jisoo nudged, while Jennie snickered teasing her. Rose just rolled her eyes from her unnies who were smiling smugly at her.

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