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"Titanic again? Come on, we've watched that for countless times," Jimin complained as him and Rosé were now arguing on to what movie they should watch first for their movie marathon slash chill date.

"Yes, I know, but can't we watch it again?" Rosé asked in her cute voice that she uses whenever she wanted to have something, just like the time when she and Jennie acted in school for Jennie to get out and go to Taehyung.

And to her contentment, her aegyo voice didn't let her down again when she heard Jimin sigh in defeat and got nothing else to do but to sit down on the couch in front of their television while Rosé play the movie.

After doing that she sat beside Jimin who had his arms crossed in front of him with a grumpy pout, "Don't be like that, we're going to watch what you like next, I promise," Rosé told him sweetly that eventually made Jimin softened up and just enjoy the movie with her.

He didn't say anything but he wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him, making Rosé lean her head on his shoulder while wrapping her arms around his waist. The movie goes on while they cuddle together on the couch.

No conversation was made as both of them were too focused on the movie even Jimin who was complaining earlier, but he found himself being engrossed on the movie too. He doesn't know but whenever he and Rosé wanted to do different things and Rosé won over him, he eventually found himself showing interest on what she loves.

But he didn't regret any single moment of it, he figured that it was one of the reasons why they have a strong relationship despite their recent break up that finally had been cleared, and now here she was, safely locked and back in his arms.

Rosé was seriously watching the movie, though she have watched probably for a hundredth time but still whenever she laid her eyes on the movie, she couldn't take it off unless it ended. Her eyes were glued on the screen as one of her favored scenes was about to happen but suddenly she let a disappointed sigh when Jimin covered her eyes with his hand, "Really, Jimin?"

She asked in disbelief as she pulled his hand away from her then turned back to the scene and it was the scene where Jack was painting the naked Rose. She can't believe that even though they have watched this for a lot of times Jimin still covers her eyes whenever that scene came on.

"Yah, you're too innocent for that," Jimin scolded while Rosé just rolled her eyes from him. She knew he just wanted some attention and he's getting bored from the movie. But when the part where the Titanic sank then Jack helped Rose get on a floating piece of wood. She can't help but to laugh at Jimin as he was continuously ranting.

"Aish, this scene is really stupid."

"Whut? That piece of wood was obviously good for two people!"

"Oh come on, Jack should've just climbed on it as well."

"What? She said she wouldn't let go but she did the complete opposite. Shame on her!"

"I thought she loved Jack then why did she let him drown?!"

"Oh my god, Jack, manliness isn't always shown when you're doing sacrifices, you should care for yourself sometimes too! I can't believe she let him die! Oh my god, is that what you call love? She should've died wi–"

His ranting was stopped when Rosé grabbed his face, squishing it lightly, and turned it to her so he'll met her eyes, "Yah Park Jimin, the movie ended already!" she told him with a playful tone that made Jimin widened his small eyes in realization then glanced at the television that was already showing the credits.

"Oh, geure? Mian, I've been carried away by my emotions, you know that scene was too emotional for me to handle," he admitted nonchalantly, acting like that the movie didn't really affect him but deep inside, it did. Park Jimin might be tough on the outside but a total softy in the inside.

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