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Seeing that the three guys inside the room just kept on looking at them weirdly and completely ignored Jimin's urgent calling to their hyung between his heavy pants, Rose and Jennie were starting to ran out of patience that they fastened their pace and walked over to Jin then held both of his hands and pulled him outside with them, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung inside, dumbfounded.

Jin just let the two girls pull him since he was too surprised, confused, and curious at the same time about where they have been, why they were running all the way to Jisoo's hospital room like they have something urgent to tell him. Plus Jimin shouting at him despite the heavy breaths that he had been producing since he slammed the door open.

They brought him to the corner where Jennie previously had her conversation with her mother, the three took deep breaths first to calm themselves before speaking. Jin was just there standing watching them in complete confusion yet feeling weird towards them.

"You guys... Uhm... Want some water?" He asked them unsure, but the three just continued what they were doing, well they actually climbed a serious number of flights of staircases because they couldn't wait for the elevator anymore, they wanted to tell Jin everything they knew so he and Jisoo would be in good terms again. Jin scratched the back of his head thinking, wondering, then deciding that they totally need a sip of water, he turned his back from them and said, "I'll be back, I'll get you all something to drink–"


Jin abruptly turned around, back at facing them again with wide eyes, shocked from the shouting of the three. And slowly his big eyes squinted with his eyebrows furrowing, his patience was slowly slipping away as the three was taking too long to say what they were about to say, "Aish, spill it out now," he impatiently said.

Just in time, the three finally recovered from all the running and climbing, then stood up properly in front of him with serious faces, "Hyung, noona has been telling the truth all along, you were there at the wrong time and at the same time left at the wrong time as well," Jimin started, Jennie and Rose nodding on the side.

Jin raised an eyebrow, "Explain further," he asked with a strict voice but Jennie just rolled his eyes from him as he was kind of being a slow poke right now.

Jennie sighed, "Oppa what we're saying was, simple! Jisoo unnie never intended to hurt you, yes you had heard that she told Jinyoung that he was better than you but you clouding your mind in total anger shouldn't have left because what she had said next probably made you jump in joy and victory!"

"Deh! Did you know what she said? Did you? Did you?" Rose asked, or more like chanted in a more excited tone than being serious like her two companions making Jennie smack her lightly on her arm as if saying to be serious right now, that made Rose stopped herself from jumping a little, cleared her throat, and composed herself, then gave Jin a serious look, "She said that yes Jinyoung was better but YOU are... THE BEST!!!! KYAAAAAAAAA! OPPAAAAAAAA! You should've stayed there longer!" Rose exclaimed in a serious tone at first then it slowly went hysterically happy.

The time she spent composing and making herself look more proper was all wasted making Jennie hit her own face with her own palm while Jimin hit his forehead with his own palm too. Rose was still rejoicing but Jin was just there watching her, still with the confused and questioning look.

Jimin sighed at the sight of his hyung, Rose celebrating was obviously giving all him the hints yet he was still there standing as still as a rock. Jennie snapped her fingers in front of Jin's face roughly making him blink rapidly and turned to Jennie, "Oppa, please hurry up and adsorb this all, don't waste the efforts we made in climbing the stairs from ground floor to eleventh floor or I swear I'll bury you alive!"

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