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Rosé woke up in the middle of the night finding the space beside her empty. She sat up knowing that Jennie was still up and was somewhere in the house. She checked her phone and saw that it was only quarter to 3AM that much triggered her curiosity knowing her unnie so well, she's a deep sleeper. She rose from the bed and glanced at the other bed beside them where Taehyung and Jimin were sound asleep.

Rosé carefully walked to the door avoiding any sound to be made. She went out of the room then walked downstairs, "Unnie?" she softly called out as she descend on the stairs. She reached the living room then went straight to the kitchen where the light was on. She then saw Jennie sitting on the stool in the kitchen island holding a glass of water and staring into space, "Jennie unnie?" she called again that caught Jennie's attention.

"Oh, why are you still awake?" Jennie asked her with a soft yet nervous smile. Rosé approached her then took the seat beside her.

"I should be the one asking you that unnie," she replied with her cute pout that made Jennie chuckle and brought her gaze back to her drink, "Unnie, I know something's off," Rosé added.

Jennie smiled to herself slightly. She knew this was coming for she was a bit distant to Rosé earlier when they were having dinner. Jennie sighed then looked at Rosé who was giving her a curious look. I think it's time, now or never Jendeukie. Wait, why did I call myself that name?

"Will you forgive unnie after this?" Jennie asked.

Rosé furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Jennie gulped the lump on her throat before speaking, "Rosie... Unnie was... the one to blame for... your break up," she said as tears started rolling down on her cheeks. Rosé was surprised but still confused. She rubbed Jennie's right arm comforting her.

"Seulgi... did that because of me... I'm sorry..." Jennie apologized, her tears were non-stop that Rosé hugged her immediately then went to the fridge and refilled her glass of water. She gave Jennie the glass asking her to drink up and calm down.

After Jennie drunk the water, she wiped her tears away and started telling everything to Rosé. From the time Junhoe first approached her and asked for her number, the time she saw the couple in the mall while with Taehyung, and up to the time Seulgi spilled everything to her earlier in the lockers. Rosé listened to what everything her unnie said, and sinking it in her mind. Slowly, she realized how mean she was towards Jimin all this time when he was really innocent, that both of them were just brought to the issues Seulgi had for herself.

"I'm sorry Rosé, truly I am," Jennie sincerely said as Rosé took a while before speaking again.

"Pathetic..." Rosé said smiling bitterly, staring into space. Jennie rose her head up in surprise hearing Rosé said that, it hurt her even more hearing Rosé say that to her when she apologized and explained everything to her already. A tear escaped her eye again as she thought wrong. Maybe I was wrong thinking that she won't get mad at me. She looked down again as tears continued on pouring.

"That couple is so pathetic!!! Aiisssshh!! They make my blood boil!!!" Rosé exclaimed angrily thinking about those people, "Unnie, this isn't your fault! You're a victim too!!"

Jennie looked up at Rosé who was looking at her with furious eyes, "YAAAAAAAH... I THOUGHT YOU WERE CALLING ME PATHETIC..." Jennie wailed like a child when finally everything's clear now. Rosé chuckled at her unnie who was still balling her eyes out, she hugged her tightly and they were surprised when two pairs of arms were added to their warmth.

They looked up and saw Lisa and Jisoo joining their hug making it a group hug, "Our mean Jendeukie's such a crybaby. Aigoooo," Jisoo said making the two maknaes giggle and Jennie glare at her.

Lisa wiped her unnie's tears away while Rosé offered her a glass of water again, "Aish, look at you making the maknaes work for you," Jisoo teased.

"Unnie shut up," Jennie whined.

Jisoo giggled, "Boys don't know what they were missing behind that RBF of yours," she said as she and Lisa heard everything what they talked about. They chose not to join them for they thought that it would be best and it was also their matter.

"True!! Man, I hope that Junhoe guy will get what he deserves," Lisa exclaimed while clenching her knuckles ready to punch. Her unnies laughed at her cuteness.

Jennie smiled, she felt the luckiest having these girls as her best friends. She hugged then once again while saying a lot of thank yous. The girls giggled and hugged her back tighter than before. Jennie suddenly pulled away that made them pull away too and look at her, "By the way, why are you both awake too?" she curiously asked.

Jisoo sighed before answering, "Jin's snoring a little too loud," she complained.

"Wait, you're sharing the same bed??" Rosé asked.

Jisoo blushed then scratched the back of her head in embarassment, "Well... yes..."

"Then, LISA??????"

"Left me with no choice okay?! And I was still awake because I fell off, Kookie  and Ji Hoon took all the space!" Lisa explained as she rubbed her behind that got hit a little bit harder when she fell off. Her unnies laughed at her and teased her for sleeping beside Jungkook.

Lisa rolled her eyes from them, "I think there's nothing wrong with that, he's my boyfriend, and WE. WERE. JUST. SLEEPING."

"Just make sure it's just sleeping Lalisa," Jennie teased that made Lisa blush and cover her red face for she clearly knew what was her unnie trying to say. After the teasing and all, they decided to return to their respective rooms for the time was nearly 5am already. Jennie and Rosé went inside the room carefully. Jennie was about to lie down until she saw Rosé still standing and looking at Jimin longingly.

She smiled softly then walked on the other side of the room. She went closer to Taehyung and tapped his cheek lightly, "Hhmmmmmm," Taehyung hummed then shooed Jennie's hand away.

Jennie chuckled softly and continued tapping his cheek until he slowly opened his eyes, "Why?" he asked in a sleepy voice when he saw it was Jennie.

Jennie smiled then pulled his arm asking him to wake up, he lazily stood up then he watched as Jennie signaled Rosé to lie down on Taehyung's place. All the while Rosé was just watching them curiously at Jennie's plan then smiled when she finally got it. She lied down immediately then closed her eyes.

"Where will I sleep now?" Taehyung asked sleepily while rubbing his eye. Jennie looked at him then around the room when she realized that one choice was they'll be sharing the bed.

"There!" she said pointing at the couch inside their room.

"What??" Taehyung asked clearly hating the idea. He was about to protest but Jennie was quick to drag him there then quickly lie on the bed. Taehyung facepalmed himself and combed his hair with his hand, "I'll get you tomorrow Jennie."

"Goodnight Taehyung!" she replied ignoring his threat but only heard a groan as a response as Taehyung was too sleepy to argue. She chuckled when she saw him lie down on the couch sleepily. 



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