Son Dong Myeong (Hospital)

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"Waaaaaa, oppa!!!You look so cool~~" You clapped and hugged him.

You wanted to have more time with your boyfriend, Dong Myeong. So you joined him for practice.

He just finish his dance practice and you we're there to cheer for him. You really like his new pick highlight hair in the performance. He looks stunning with those dance move. Its a pity that he's not the center.

"Everyday I shock,shock!" Dong Myeong looks at you and you felt that your heart melted.

They've practiced for eight hours and you felt asleep, you're so tired that you lie on their couch.

"Y/n ah, let me take you home." Dong Myeong whispered in your ear and kiss your cheek.

"'ve finished??" You said softly and open your eyes.

"Well, not me...I still want to improve." He scratch his nap.

He carried you in bridal style lie you down on the floor, it was just you and him in the practice room. He lie on the floor and look at you, putting a strand of hair behind your earloop.

"You should better start practicing or I'll stay here for the whole night." You poke his nose and he just giggle.

"Yes, my princess." He stand up and bow.

So he practice for a couple of hours, you went down to get some drinks for him. When you're back, you heard a pound thud.

"Ouch!!" You heard Dong Myeong yelled.

He was sitting on the floor in pain, holding his ankle. Quick as a wink, you dash to him.

"Dong Myeong, are you alright." You looked worried and touch his ankle.

"I'm fine." He patted you, but he looks like he's seriously in pain.

"Should you go see the doctor?" You suggested.

"I'm fine Y/n." He smile and he tries to stand up, but he can't. He fall down again.

"I'll call the ambulance." You grabbed your phone and call the police.

"I'm gonna get doomed." He groaned and started to get angry.

"No you won't. Trust me, they'll love you." You comfort him and hug him.

"At least, I'm the first one to." You looked at him and kiss him on the lips.

The ambulance is here and takes both of you to the hospital. You're so worried about him and you hold his hand for the whole trip.

"I'll be fine, Y/n." He patted your hand and cup your cheek.

The doctor said he twisted his ankle and he can't dance and walk for a couple of months. When Dong Myeong heard it, he felt desperate.

"You're the sub vocal right, why don't you just sing in the stage instead?? " you suggested.

You called his team members, Seung Hyeok, Do Hyun, Min Hyeok, Sung Hyuk and Hyo Jun.They came and tries to comfort him.

"Myeong ah, we're a team and we can't leave anyone behind." Seung Hyeok said.

"One hand can't clap you know." Hyo Jun patted his shoulders.

"You should go up there and prove to everyone that you can do it." You smiled at him.

"I can'" he muttered.

"You can still sing right?" Do Hyun asked and he nodded.

"Good. Now, get some rest. I wish to see you soon." Seung Hyeok said smiling.

"Thanks Y/n" they thanked you and left.

"Y/n. Thanks for staying by my side. I love you." Dong Myeong confessed.

He shoves himself to the corner of the bed and he patted on the bed, assume you to sleep with him. You roll on the bed and he hugged you tight ,like he's never going to let you go.

"Good night, Y/n" he pecked your forehead.

"Thanks for cheering me up." He smiled at you.

"I love you, Dong Myeong." You hugged him tight.

Though their team lose in the performance stage. In your preference,  he's still the best and yet the most awesome trainee.


615 words~~ not bad (I think...)
I feel so bad for Dong Myeong, before his performance stage in ep.4 , I already notice that he was injured because I saw his classmate posted a picture about it. I thought it was fake but it isn't. I would really like to vote for him. Get well soon Dong Myeong. BTW,  he's really cute.

Coming Up: Lee Jun Woo

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