Lai Guan Lin (Carnival)

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REQUESTED BY: @mknochu

You have no idea what to do with your boyfriend, Guan Lin, this summer holiday. You want it to be special because it's your last summer holiday, you wanted to spend every second with your honey, Guan Lin.

"Where do you want to go in the first day of summer, my lady?" Guan Lin asked as both of you are on the couch, you're lying on his laps.

"Hmm, I don't know," you stare at the ceiling.

"How about the cinema?" He asked, brushing your cheeks.

"Nah, boring." You said and roll your eyes.

"Hmm...a photo shot booth perhaps?" He suggest.

"Nah!" You rejected again.

"How about the carnival?" He ask with a more delightful tone.

"Yea, that's more like it." You yelled in joy and he laughed.

"Then we'll be there tomorrow!" He peck your forehead.

The Next Day:

You both arrived to the carnival. You're like a little kid, running around like crazy.

"Y/n, keep calm." Guan Lin hugged you tight.

"I'm so happy!!" You yelled and you ran to the rollercoaster ride.

You might think that Guan Lin is a real man, but he's scared of heights.

"Please don't, y/n." He whined like a kid.

"Just one~" you hold his hands, and pull him to the ride.

On the ride, he screamed like a madman and when he landed he almost faint.

"Yah, Guan Lin ah, you alright?" You asked

"I'm fine." He almost barf but still pretending to be alright.

After a moment, both of you went to the booths and a Unicorn doll caught your eye.

"Guan Lin, I want that!!" You pointed and he scratches his head.

"How Much was it." He asked you.

"It's not for sale, young man." The booth owner said.

"All you have to do it hit the bell with this hammer." The owner pointed to the hammer.

"Oh no.." he thought.

"Please Guan Lin, please." You gave him your cutie puppy eyes.

"Alright." So he payed the owner and hit the bell.

You can see the hammer is kinda heavy, but for Guan Lin, he wanted you to be happy, it was like Thor had been inside him. With all the mighty power, Guan Lin hit the bell and won you the Unicorn doll.

"Omg, thanks honey!" You hugged him and kissed him.

"You're welcome, my princess. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." He smiled at you.

Fluffy and Sweet Guan Lin~ I think it's still not fluffy enough :(
I have no idea that Bae Jin Young has younger siblings OUO

Coming Up: Park Ji Hoon (High School 6)

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