Bae Jin Young (Born To be With You)

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(Ooooh, Yes!! I can't wait for this~~ I'm sure I won't be sleeping tonight after this. It's 10:51 p.m.)

Bae Jin Young POV:

The first time we met is like magic cast on us, whenever you go, I would want to follow, whatever you do, I want to know. Who ever you met, is a guy, I will be jealous. It's just like I am stuck with you in my mind.

As I remember, you and me met in a park, playing the swing. You were so pretty back then, like a flower blooms after the rain, your smiles warms the winter snow. It's spring and you're lovely.

Years walk pass us and I still remember your rosy cheeks and amazing smile.

"Bae Jin Young!!" you yelled my name, I heard you, but I pretend not to look back. What if it's him again? what if this time I can't control myself and dash to you and hug you tight claiming  you're mines.

Why is it so hard to conceal my feelings to you. whenever I want to talk to you, he takes you away, leaving me an icy unfriendly glare and your laughter follows him. It should be mines, why his?

Is that a joke or a coincidence that we share the same birthday, or is this just a joke from the God? Every year you promised that we will spend it together but after you met him, I blow the candles out by myself and half of the cake is left for the next day for tea.

Why would you have left me?

Today is our 19th Birthday, I want you to be here with me. No matter what happens, I will confess to you.

"y/n, can you hear me, can you see me like how I see you?"

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to y/n and Jin Young, happy birthday to you."

Our parents sang us this old classy song, and I made a wish. What did you wish for??

"I wish to be your boyfriend, your husband, your everything."

and we blew the candles.

I wrote you a song and I record it in a tape and gave it to you as a present,

"I hope you'll reply me." I written a note and stuff it with the CD.

You also gave me a present, it's a letter:

"Dear Bae Jin: "

I didn't read it all, and I skipped to the part,

" I love you, I missed you."

and I cried.

This is the reply or is this also just a coincidence? Why didn't you have told me about this before, that you and him are just friends and acting around to know whether I like you or not? We should have dated a few years ago.

Without hesitate, I ran to her house. She opened the door and without control, I kiss her lips, and she kiss back.

" I missed you too." I murmured to her ear.


Bae Jin Young's English name is called Rio /laughs sweetly/

So I should call him Rio Bae?? It sounds a bit funny >w<  I still love him so much

and as for him being a center in the song Hands On Me, I nearly fainted, because before the whole song release, I already liked this song, and he's the center~~ /lipbites/

P.S. It's 11:10p.m. Good Night~~ <3

Coming Up: Kim Yong Kook

I Wanna be with you (Wanna One, Produce 101)Where stories live. Discover now