Lim Young Min ( Reasons To Love Alpaca Imagine)

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(This is some how a comedy yet really really really childish story of Young Min the Alpaca... and I feel like people is going to kill me...)

Once upon a time, there lived an alpaca in Korea named Young Min and he was eating grass, and the next day,

it died. The End.

(Just Kidding, It's Just the start :3)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, called y/n. y/n is lonely, she was not an ordinary girl, she was a princess who lives in a castle, alone. She has no friends, just a few maid who won't talk with her. Her parents sent her here is because they don't love her.

One day, y/n went to the garden to look at the flowers, she talked to the flowers.

"If one day, I found him, I'll go with him."

The princess sighed and left the bushes. She loves to sit on the benches and watch at the painting of the Brand New Music Kingdom boys. She loves Prince Young Min so much.

"Young Min, just take me with you."

suddenly, there was a sound, not just beeping sound of machines, it's the sound of an animal.

with curiosity, the princess went forward to look what is that animal. In her surprise, It's a red hair alpaca.

(I was in the middle of laughing and crying)

" OMG!! what a new fashion!!! A red haired alpaca!!" with the excitement of the princess, she brought it to the castle.

"I'm going to name you Lim Young Min" she hugged the alpaca and kissed it head.

The next day....

"Madame, Madame!!!" a maid dash to her like the thunder, breathing hard.


"Lim Young Min from Brand New Music is missing!!"

"WHAT?!!!!" her eyes almost poped out of her skull

The alpaca was looking at her, with cute eyes

"I'll be right back , baby boo" she cooed to the alpaca.

Y/n just cannot stop crying, her Young Min is lost, but thankfully, the red haired alpaca is with her, he loves the way she stroke her back, they hand out together every day and night. It even sleeping in her bed and listens to her stories. Soon the alpaca fall in love with her.

" I was cursed by the witch, only a true loves kiss can save me from this hourglass."

( This is old school but sorry... HAHAHAHAhhahha....)

" I loved you Y/n, I know you loved me too, just kiss me by the lips would you."

One night, y/n was really sad, she was desperated to get laughed that she haven't got a boyfriend.

(that's actually me in real life...sigh)

"Young Min, they laughed at me."

"The point at me and say I'm a lone ranger who won't get a date." She cried and hugged the alpaca.

" I'm your date, just kiss me by my alpaca lips."

"If only, you're a human boy, no matter who you are, I'll date you." she cried and kisses the alpaca's mouth.

Soon, the magic began to show, the clock reverses like crazy and sparkes on the alpaca, soon it showed who is this alpaca.

"It's...Lim Young Min From Brand New Music Kingdom, and he's on my bed.." y/n almost fainted.

" I loved you y/n." he smiled


"Would you be my date?" Young Min asked and held out his hand.

" I'd loved to be your wife instead." y/n smiles and hold his hand.

" That would be perfect." He kisses y/n's lips.

-The End-

I know this is kinda old school, but I am running out of mature ideas,

and I really need a new phone, so I can update everyday.

I will open a new book about Wanna-One  at around November/ December, as soon as a buy myself a new phone with my own money. I WILL BUY ONE I SWEAR!!!

I can't live without Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook at least and also This WATTPAD.

Coming Up: Lai Guan Lin

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