Kim Dong Han (Tutor)

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Requested BY: @MysticHeavens

Your results are dropping sharply as you always fangirl and when to hang out with friends, you never have time to study.

"Y/n ah, I'm finding you a tutor, your results a real really bad! How can you get to college??" Your mum asked.

"Mum, I'm doing fine" you lied, actually, you're not.

"No objections, he'll be coming tomorrow after school. " your mum demanded.

"It's a "he" ehh?!" You thought.

The next day after school, you left your squad and went home straight.

"How can she do this to me!!" You went home angrily.

When you arrived home you opened the door, there was nobody. You went to the kitchen to get a carton of banana milk and you saw a sticky note on the fridge.

"I won't be coming home this month, urgent business trip. I'll buy you presents. Love mum"


"Ding Dong~" there goes the door bell.

"It's gonna be a nerd.." you cursed.

As you open the door, there's a tall guy with silky hair.

"Hi, my name is Kim Dong Han. Are you Y/n??" He asked.

All you wanted to do is slam the door and scream but of course not, you greeted him in to your house.

"Wait, Kim Dong Han?? The handsome oppa from our schoo??" You look at him. Yup, it's him.

"Umm,Y/n? You alright?? " Dong Han asked.

"Ah yeah, I just zoned out a bit. " You laughed in embarrassment.

You and Dong Han walked into your house. You spread your books out and he started to teach you.

"Yahhhh what is this!!!"

" Aiggoo...what is that?!"

"This is so difficult!!"

These are the three sentence that you said the most today.

"Y/n, this is... "

"Oh, that is.."

" and then we can have this, so..."

All in your brain is his voice, you didn't even learn a thing today.

"As a conclusion,  "A" square plus "B" square equals "C" square and we call this Pythagoras Theory." He said it while circling on your books and jotting notes on it.

You had already fallen asleep,your brain aches and you slept next to him.

"How cute." He mumbled.

As you open your eyes again, it's already 9:00p.m. but Dong Han is still here, he's sleeping next to you.

"He looks so handsome." You stare at his face and wanted to touch it.

He wiggles a bit and woke up. You just turn aside and pretend to look at your books.

"I'm sorry that I've fallen asleep." He apologize.

"It's okay. It's getting late, shouldn't you be back home?" You asked.

"I don't want to go home. I don't have a home and my step parents always beat me up." He murmured and you patted his back.

"Do you want to stay here? My parents aren't coming back in this month. " you ask, losing your marbles.

"But I'm a boy and you're a girl!" He laughed

"So?" You asked, wanting him to stay.

"Fine," He chuckled.

"Then let me cook you dinner." You said while walking out of the room.

You cooked yourselves some ramen noodles. And he's slurping quick.


"Don't choke." You smirked.


547 words
I have notice him before he enter produce 101, and I don't even know that he's a trainee lmao.
When I saw Kim Dong Bin, Kim Dong Hyun and Kim Dong Han, I thought they're brothers hahaha.

I want a tutor like him too ㅠㅠ

Coming Up: Park Woo Jin

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