(12 a.m confession)

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I have so many regrets and my biggest one was not being there for her and giving my all. Whoever is reading this, if you are in the same place right now, with whomever you have feelings for, tell her. Tell her exactly how you feel and why. Get to know her, let her get to know you, then tell her. Telling her doesn't always mean with words either. Show her how you feel and why. Don't make the mistakes I did. Don't let jealousy and insecurities get the best of you.
Don't compare yourself to other guys and get upset when they acknowledge her beauty too.
Instead, don't pay it any attention. If she feels the same, she only cares what you think, not them.
Don't not send that "You want to go out for (insert event here)" text message because you're scared of rejection. Send it because at least you'll know the outcome. If she says yes, great. If she says no, shit. That sucks, but at least you know there was nothing there and you can move on. What eats you inside everyday is the thought of "what if". I can't tell you how many times that has gone through my mind on a daily basis. I keep thinking of what things could've been if I just said that one thing or sent that one message. You can try to move on, but that won't work and you'll end up hurting someone else because you keep trying to find pieces of her in them. Don't be me.

There are many fish in the sea, but she is a mermaid.
Don't let her go so easily.

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