A Message To All of You

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     It actually genuinely makes me sad to know
some of you can't see how beautiful you really are inside and out. This isn't just to those of you who read this, but to so many people I see in everyday life as well (even strangers too).
I notice this mostly with a lot of girls nowadays and it honestly breaks my heart. Like, it's so crazy to me that they could spend a single minute thinking less of themselves meanwhile I think they're literally so beautiful and amazing. I wish I could just tell each and every one of you this all face-to-face sometimes because I can't express it enough.

You're beautiful and i really wish you could see how amazing you are in my eyes. I don't understand how you don't all see it in the mirror everyday too.

Whats even more surprising is the fact a lot of you take your flaws and label them as "why you're single". When i say what i'm about to say, I mean it with every single bone in my body including the slightly crooked toe one:

You're beautiful.
Your beauty isn't weighed by your current relationship status in no way, shape, or form.
I don't know who maybe might've made you feel this way at some point and left behind this scar of self-hate, but I think you're absolutely amazing.
Seriously, anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.

I really wish i could just message everyone individually and tell you a few of the things that amazes me about each of you, but we both know i'm not that bold lol.

For confidentiality purposes, I won't name anyone, but i'll tell you about some.

Girl #1: literally has the best personality ever and manages to make me smile with every comment/has the best humor I know and is just such a beautiful person inside out. Literally, if you saw her smile, you couldn't help but do the same. Yet, she doesn't see the same thing. She thinks she's "anti-social"/ "no guys like her", but little does she know if i wasn't so shy/unconfident in myself, i'd love to ask her out for breakfast or something (i'm sorta anti social myself, but i'd be fun lol)!

Girl #2: Is really fun to be around, smart, caring, has a good personality, is also really pretty, and is always looking out for the people she cares about. You could just be sitting in her presence and you'd feel a little better. Not only that, but shes really understanding as well. Honestly, she's great. She has a couple walls built up from her past relationships, and thats one of the things she plasters on herself as a flaw. She doesn't really want a relationship with anyone right now, but she literally is one of the best people i know and i wish she knew that too.

Girl #3: literally is like an angel. Shes so nice, caring, understanding, and can make your day a little better just by a simple hug/smile. She mostly plasters her physical appearance as a flaw on herself, but I could not disagree more.
Shes also a beautiful person inside and out. I've known her for years and not a day goes by that I think any different. I hope we're friends for many more years to come (even if she likes to come at me for my broken toe)!

Even guys too.

Guy #1: Has a great personality and is so handsome. My favorite thing about him is that he's honest no matter what. He's not afraid to break your heart if it means telling you the truth, and that's something really hard to find nowadays. The flaw he plasters on himself is that he doesn't think he's worth a relationship. This is definitely not true and i partially think he knows its just due to the dating pool being pretty small in our area.
Literally, he's one of the best people I know and i know his ambition/intelligence will take him farther than ever one day along with meeting the person best for him.

I could go on and on about all the people i wish could see themselves the same as in my eyes, but the message is all the same. I think you're all so beautiful.

So next time you start to bring yourself down, just remember that i think you're amazing. If you can believe it, just know i do.

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