In time // thoughts

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I've been doing ok for about a week or two now, but I kinda got time alone and it really got me thinking. I really don't care where i go in life as long as i'm happy and surrounded by good vibes/people. I've spent so much of my life actually caring about how other people perceive me and their opinions, but honestly, screw it.
If I want to pursue art and music, i will.
If I want to party and have a good time, i will.
If I want to express my admirations, I will.
If I want to just be myself and meet my needs and requirements, I will. Just because yours aren't the same, doesn't make mine wrong. It makes them different.

No bs, i'll probably be cut off by majority of the people I know by the time I hit 18 anyways. So, why should it matter? Everyone is temporary and i accept that. I am temporary too in others' lives. Thats ok. At the end of the day, you're with you for the rest of your life 24/7. No one else. That being said, do wtf you want, kiddo. When you're old enough to legally make your own decisions, do it. Don't let others be the reason you never got to live the life you dreamt to tell stories about < 3

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