Positive Peers

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"12 a.m talkin with your boo"
^a great lyric from a catchy song my guy "Sebass" made, which won't get out of my head lol

Anyways, I just want to say shoutout to my Graphics Design class. They're literally the most empowering people who I honestly hope do well in life 100%. I'm pretty good in that class and catch on fast to the content/know most of it, but I learn from the people specifically everyday what friendship looks like. We're all chasing a dream and trying to be something (Though its not graphics) and we boost each other up. I like that. I love all my other friends too, but no one has ever really told me my dreams outside of my transition were achievable and that they want to see me strive and make it. Most of them just laughed in my face and mocked the idea. I still love them lots, but it kinda did take a toll on my confidence there. So, theres a standing novation for you all in that class. I have so much respect for you.

If you also didn't know this, my confidence is really up and down/all over the place. It actually depends entirely on how much acne I have atm, my physical health, how well i'm passing, and what i'm wearing. Basically, that means i feel like shit 98% of the time lol. I only really put in effort when i've been feeling like shit for an extremely long period of time/how ugly i've been feeling or when theres a special occasion.
So, today I was in sweats with a robotic looking shoe on my right foot and on crutches. As you could tell, I felt pretty ugly lol. THEN this happened.
A girl in my class said:
"Leo, remember that time you tried to seduce me?"
I know, I know! This didn't sound like me.
So i replied:
"Wait, what? When? I don't remember doing that"
Her: "Yeah you did, by wearing pink and that whole outfit the other day"

She probably didn't know it, but that comment made my shitty day 1000x better. She and the whole class complimented me that day I wore that outfit (it was my birthday and your boy wasn't going to dress average) and I've loved it even more since.

Making friends is hard af and being social around people I don't know is even harder, but they were patient with me. Even if it did take a while for me to warm up.

To everyone else who reads this, i just want you all to surround yourself with people like that. Surround yourself with people who care, people who want to see you succeed, will be there in your rough patches, boost you up, and have mutual respect for you. That? That is the best thing ever.

Don't bother with people who make you feel like a burden, failure, last resort, stupid, or small. And please, don't be someone's person-they-only-talk-to-when-they're-bored-and-no-one-else-is-replying. That my friend, will make you feel like all of those at once.

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