Chapter 1- The new guys

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New story..I know I know...I've been bad with all my other ones but I have been a bit...I don't want to say writing depressed but kinda writing depressed. Like not really really but I was in an emotional writing slump shall I call it...


I hope you enjoy:)


Name: Brooke Maritto

Age: 17

Place: Miami

School: Miami Bay High

Siblings: None

Best friends: Layla and Kat

Parents: Mother- Johanne Maritto, Father-WHO CARES?

About her:

1.Gothish but not.

2. LOVES her hoodies of all colors and converse high tops of all colors.  

3. Black straight shoulder length hair and Justin Beiber bangs (though she hates when people call her that because she hates JB).

4. Has bluish grey eyes.

5. She is obsessed with her old fashion I-pod.      

6. She doesn't believe in true love.


I don't believe in soul mates or true love.

Now you are probably gasping and sitting there thinking this girl needs to go see a psychologist, but I just don't believe. Why should I? The tingly feeling when someone touches you and you KNOW that your meant to be. Or looking into someones eyes and falling in love right away. It all sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me.

My mother and father were "deep in love" when they were twenty, got married were all lovey dovey but right when mom had me, nope not in love with her anymore, and he left! Now my mother is super depressed, though she denies it, and travels all the time leaving me alone in a huge house. 

So true love? Soul mates? DON'T EXIST! Sorry to burst your bubbles and ruin your fantasies but what I'm saying is true and I am saving you from a lot of despair.


 (A/N now starts the first chappie for reals)

Chapter One


"I bleed for you

I've given you my life to take

I would die for you.

I see the truth

I've given you my heart to break

I would die-"

My earphones are roughly pulled out of my ear.

"HEY!" I cry out. 

"Brooke Reyna Maritto! You really need to be more social!" Layla, one of my best friends, scolds holding my earphones in her free hand.

I snatch them back and let them dangle around my neck.

"But I like my music." I whine.

"She's right Brooke." Kat, my other best friend, agrees, "Become more social!"

"You're both mean." I say pouting and put my I pod away.

We pull up into our high school, Miami Bay High. As we go up the steps, entering the school's premises, we can spot all the different cliques in our school. The popular kids are all around the Queen Bee in this school,  Amy's, car with their too tight and too short clothes or football letter jackets. The skaters are on the steps with their skateboard riding down the poles or just standing there and talking. The Goth & Emo kids slumped against the walls of the school building smoking or making out with each other. Then lastly, the nerds who you can't actually see because they are already inside the school discussing homework or other geeky things.

Now how about me? Which group am I in? Well I fall into the category of normal people or shall I call us the unnamed category, who are scattered around everywhere.

Layla and Kat all of the sudden stop walking , mouths dropped, looking in the direction we came from.

"What?" I ask not quite sure what they are looking at.

I turn around and stop walking as well, realizing exactly why they stopped.

A whole group of NEW kids are walking up the steps. There are 5 guys and 4 girls, all extremely beautiful may I add. New kids I presume. 

"WOW" Layla breathes, practically drooling.

"Those are some hot guys." Kat adds with the same look on her face.

I stare at them with wonder and curiosity

"Who are they?" I whisper.


As we all walk up the steps I make sure to stay in the back of the group. I still don't get why we have to go to this school when we have a perfectly good pack school. But my father, the Alpha, told us, "We need to communicate with other people, non-wolves". Whatever that means. I just think he wanted us out of his hair. That or something else is going on that he doesn't want us picking up on.

Me, my Beta Jake, his mate Ella, Mason and Molly who are siblings, Emma and Gabriel who are also mates, Rhianna, Andrew and I (Everyone who came are friends of mine) were all were told yesterday at the pack meeting, and now here we are. In Miami Bay High School.

I can feel the stares on us and hear the whispering.  

Three particular human girls catch my attention. They are standing at the stop of the steps to the side, watching us.

"Wow" The blond one says.

"Those are some hot guys." The curly brunette one says.

I smirk.  We do get that a lot.

And then one wearing a hoodie whispers,"Who are they?"

Her voice is music to my ears, like notes from a beautiful melody.

I think the question is who are you.

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