Chapter 1

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Hi, all. Welcome to my story.

If you're a rereader PLEASE stop posting spoilers :')
Readers: Beware of the comments, they hold a lot of spoilers from rereaders. Read them at your own risk! I try to delete as many as I can but I can not guarantee your safety.

IT IS BASED IN ENGLAND (Yes, we start college at 16+) I know it's odd, but it is NOT the same as some colleges from around the world, I can't stress that enough.

Also, this has NOT been edited since first writing it so apologies in advance.

This story is original and is book FIVE of a SEVEN book series, though you can read this and still understand everything. But if you want to follow the series, start with book 1 called: 'You Have Wings?' and at the end of that book, you'll find the name of book 2 etc.

I hope you enjoy and don't be afraid to express your opinions of the characters or the storyline in the comments below. I'd love to hear what you are thinking! (And yes, this is also on my Quotev account)

(Also, please try your hardest not to correct my 'British' spelling if you're from another country because not everyone spells words the same! A classic example: Colour and Color)

(Do not copy this story please!)

- Sian

"William, Jacob, get up you have to go in half an hour!" Grace yelled her daily ritual in an attempt to wake up her two sons.

Nineteen-year-old William groaned and rolled onto his stomach, while seventeen-year-old Jacob slowly opened his eyes. He had been awake for an hour already but for his mum's sake, he pretended to be asleep.

"Will, get up," Scott sighed and stood in the doorway, next to his wife.

Jacob's sleep deprived eyes scanned his parents. They looked cheerful and ready to start their day.

"I don't want to get up," William grumbled, covering his face with his pillow.

"Come on Will. You haven't got long to get ready." Scott beamed at Jacob. He could see the dark circles under his son's eyes and hid his concern. "I want to see you both downstairs and ready in twenty minutes." With that task out of the way, he kissed his wife and left the doorway.

Grace watched while Jacob sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed. His gaze looked weary; she could tell he had been awake for longer than a few minutes. When William sat up, they both climbed out of bed at the same time. Even though a two-year gap fell between them, they shared the same height, Clearly taking after their dad's tall frame.

The two brothers had to share the small room, but they liked it that way. Their parents made sure that they grew up with respect for each other and understood that family was the most significant aspect of their lives. Even though they shared, they acknowledged one another's privacy, and if one of them needed peace, the other would willingly give it to them.

* * * * *

William spent most of his time in the bathroom, prepping himself to look just right for college. He was popular, but that didn't matter much at his stage of education. It was almost vital in secondary school to be liked by other peers. Still, there was the occasional idiot who thought they could gain admiration by being the dominant pupil in the class.

While he took so long to get ready, Jacob had to rush, and he hated mornings when he didn't have the time to wake up properly.

The boys eventually entered the kitchen to have breakfast. Grace and Scott stopped their conversation, starting a new subject rather abruptly.

"Your breakfast is on the table, eat as much as you can because we need to leave in five minutes." Scott always drove them to college. Grace usually left at the same time, but her work was in the opposite direction, so she used her car.

"What have you both got today?" she asked, tossing her brown hair over her shoulder.

"I've got two hours of sociology and then two hours of sports management," William sighed tiredly. He shoved a full crumpet into his mouth, earning a chuckle from his dad.

Jacob ran a hand through his messy brown hair and rubbed his eyes. He was definitely not a morning person and would often prove it if he could sleep at night.

"What have you got?" she asked when Jacob didn't say anything.

"Um," he hummed quietly, "I don't know." Unlike William, Jacob was very disorganised. He could barely remember whether he had homework or what subjects were on what days. He often had too many things going on in his mind.

"You can check in the car," Scott smiled, "but eat some more food before we go." His younger son started to fidget and avoid eye contact. Scott made a mental note to call him later.

"Right, I'm going to work, I'll see you all at dinner time." Grace leaned over to kiss Jacob on the cheek. He smiled in her direction but avoided her gaze. She kissed William and her husband too. "Have a great day everyone."

"You too, love." Scott watched her leave. They met when Grace was twenty, and he was twenty-three. A year later, She fell pregnant with William, so he proposed to her. They were madly in love and managed to raise their first baby without a single fault in their relationship. When they had Jacob, they both had a steady income and could start to build their lives. Now, seventeen years later, they are still faithful to their happy family label and love each other just as much as when they first met.

Some would even say it's too good to be true.

"Come on boys. We should get going too." Just before they left, Scott turned to see what Jacob was carrying. "Where's your bag?"

"Oh!" He quickly turned towards the stairs.

"We'll wait for you in the car!"

Jacob staggered into the bedroom and spotted his bag on his bed. Hurrying over to it, he made sure it had everything he needed and hung it over his shoulder, rubbing his stinging eyes to keep himself together.

After taking a step back through the door, he paused when what had been troubling him for half a year entered his mind. He clenched his jaw and tugged on his coat sleeves, attempting to block it out, wishing he could have just one regular day.

For Jacob, he believed that he was far from average. Yes, he had loving parents, a loving sibling, a warm home and a good education. Underneath the perfect shell that people see and judge him for, nobody knew about the voices.

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