Chapter 83

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I'm so sorry for the late update, we only just got WiFi half an hour ago, the last router was faulty so we had to wait for another one to be delivered!

I won't babble on so you can get reading! Have a great day and I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

- Sian

When the dawn approached, Hunter and Jacob were sleeping proudly side by side. The duvet covered their lower half and exposed their bare chests. The sun peeked through the open window, filling the room up with light and warmth.

Memories of last night would linger in the atmosphere for a while, especially when it was so exciting to have finally made love to one another.

When Jacob woke up, the one thing he strongly smelt was Hunter. His addicting scent filled his nose, making him turn over and bury his head into his warm shoulder. It was bliss and comfort mixed into one.

"Good morning," Hunter's husky voice fluctuated his breathing.

"I didn't think you were awake," Jacob whispered. Thoughts of what they shared at three in the morning were vibrant in his mind. He was finding it difficult to believe that he was comfortable enough to go through with it. Not one moment made him worry. Hunter was very patient, slow, and considerate.

"I only just woke up." Hunter's eyes were closed and he was still drifting from a very sleepy state. When he felt Jacob's body move against his, they flickered open and a wide smile spread across his face. "Wow, I really did mark you last night."

Jacob looked down, his eyebrows raising immediately. Hunter had left love bites all over his skin, ranging from past his hip bone, all the way up to his neck. They were everywhere as he traced his fingers over the little bruise-like circles.

"How long do they stay for?"

"A couple of days I think," Hunter yawned.

"What! I can't hide them for that long."

"I don't think you can hide them at all," Hunter chuckled. "There's two on your neck that will show even with a t-shirt on. "There's nothing to worry about though, it just shows how much I love you."

Jacob turned and stared at the ceiling.

"It's just... I don't want to talk about it with anyone else."

Hunter allowed his fingers to trace lightly over his chest muscles.

"Tell them that. You can say no to people."

"I think my dad might want to talk about it."

"That's fine, my parents have talked to me about it several times. We're quite open about stuff like this, I know your family isn't but it's not weird for him to ask, he'll just be making sure everything is fine. It might be good for you, you'll get more comfortable with it."

Jacob nodded, he had a point. He is the one that's awkward about it, not everyone else.

"Anyway," Hunter yawned once more before climbing out of bed. "Come on, it's shower time."

Jacob didn't flinch at his naked body, not like he did the first time he saw it. Instead, he simply climbed out of bed and followed him to the bathroom, ready for some warm water.

* * * * *

"Sam and William, will you stop doing that, I've cleaned up after you twice now." Anthony shook his amused head before picking up more cereal. They had spent the morning throwing it at each other across the room, trying to catch it in their mouths.

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