Chapter 82

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*please read*
Updates this week will be a little funny with their timings. I've just moved back to university today and my new house doesn't have wifi until tomorrow or Saturday. RIP me, and my 4G. But anyway, I'm just gonna put a little warning for this chapter if you are one of the younger viewers. I won't put an age limit because some people mature faster than others. I would recommend reading until you feel too uncomfortable to go on. I tried to word it the most 'appropriate' so don't laugh at my choice of words, I tried to keep it reader friendly :') 

So if you do just want to skip it, you won't miss anything important! But for those who wanted some lovely smut, your wish has kind of been granted.

- Sian

Lightning brightly flashed, sending beautiful crackles of yellow through the night sky. Jacob knew he needed to stop summoning so many storms but he couldn't help it. He felt overwhelmed and it was comforting him.

Shifting himself into a more comfortable position, he allowed his legs to hang out of the window. The cold air was refreshing. His mind was too alive to sleep. How could he sleep now that he knows there are other worlds?

He met an angel less than ten hours ago.

Everything was so surreal and exciting. He has gotten used to werewolves but this, this would take a while.

He felt like his stability was on a wire. He was slowly walking across it, trying not to lose his balance but occasionally something he could not control would knock him, wobbling him. At the moment, he was almost at the end of the wire but something was holding him back. He wasn't sure what it was, yet he knew not to look for it.

He would get there eventually.

When the hairs on his back pricked, he felt the heat radiating from another body. Turning around, he was level with Hunter's face. His eyes were half shut and his hair was messy.

"What are you doing?" He mumbled with a yawn. "It's three in the morning."

"I can't sleep."

The dark room brightened up with another flash of lightning.

Hunter decided to sit next to him on the windowsill. He was nearly fully healed, the only part of him that still hurt was his nose. Although, it was nothing he couldn't handle.

"Have you slept at all?"

Jacob shook his head.

"I keep thinking about this thing that will happen in the future."

"We have a ridiculous amount of time to worry about that." Hunter rubbed his eyes and stretched his back. "I would like to tell you not to worry about it, but I know you'll do the exact opposite."

"I can't help it," Jacob mumbled. He was feeling wide awake when a loud rumble of thunder echoed through the air. Hunter got a small fright and now he was feeling more awake too.

"Tomorrow, do you want to go into the town and do like, weird human stuff?" Jacob turned to him with a funny frown. "I mean, go for some lunch or something?" Hunter's eyes lit up like he had an idea. "We can go on a date."

"That's weird human stuff to you?"

"Yeah. We never just go wandering around town or go out to eat. I get that they are social events but we like to go running, or hunt things together."

Jacob was starting to see the differences between humans and werewolves, now that his life was changing too.

"I would um, I would like to go on a date," He mumbled quietly and gently swung us legs, distracting himself from blushing. But when another flash of lightning appeared, it was impossible for Hunter's eye's to miss it.

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