Chapter 12

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"Just take deep breaths, you're doing really well so far," Hunter smiled but his eyes showed concerned. Jacob went a little pale.

"I-I don't really know how to feel," Jacob mumbled and looked down at his hands. He had so many questions but wouldn't ask them all. Werewolves were real and he was sitting in front of one.

"That's okay, it's normal to feel overwhelmed."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Jacob needed to understand why it was happening to him.

"Well," Hunter said and linked his fingers together. "It's because of this bond thing that I mentioned. There's a reason why I can communicate with you through a mind link and why I just showed you who I really am."

Even though Jacob was close to fainting or breaking down, he was still very intrigued to know more. "What is it?" he whispered.

"There's no other way to say it really but..." Hunter paused and looked him deep in the eyes. "You're my mate." He wasn't sure if Jacob would understand the term, but the human had seen werewolf films before and understood exactly what he meant.

"As in-" he whispered, not wanting to say any more. He couldn't possibly be his mate, could he? That's ridiculous.

"As in, uh, like an affectionate relationship kind of thing." Hunter watched Jacob's cheeks heat up. He knew he could've described it better as the sweat formed on his back. "Don't panic, we'll take this process as slow as you need to." He knew Jacob was gay after living in his head for a year, but he also knew it was a secret. Jacob's family didn't know yet, and he didn't want to force him to come out.

"Why me?"

"I don't know," Hunter smiled. "We don't choose our mates, which is why I was so surprised to learn that mine was another male."

Jacob looked back up at him with a little frown.

"You didn't know you were-"

"Gay? No, I didn't. It took me a little while to get my head around it but I'm way past that now and just couldn't wait to connect."

Jacob nodded and subconsciously played with the grass. "Why didn't you tell me this half a year ago?" Part of him was angry that Hunter allowed him to think that he was going crazy for so long. He felt like he had lost his identity.

"I couldn't really tell you until the bond was ready, that way I could ensure that you wouldn't tell anyone about me." Hunter cleared his throat and sat up straighter. "I feel terrible. I tried to be there for you as much as I could in your head. I'm so sorry for what I put you through."

Jacob wanted to say it was okay but it was not okay. Hunter ruined his life just by keeping his distance. He wished he explained this in the beginning, so he understood what was happening, he would never have told anyone about Hunter because then people really would think he had gone insane.

"I know sorry isn't enough. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Jacob pulled out a blade of grass and twiddled it between his fingers. So many things were flying around in his thoughts, but he finally had an explanation as to why there was a voice in his head. He did feel better about that, but the mate situation was making him feel uncomfortable.

Jacob hadn't thought about relationships or even really cared about being in one. He found Hunter attractive but he hadn't thought about him in that kind of way because he didn't know him.

"Jacob, the reason I'm telling you all of this today is because the bond is ready to be connected. The longer we hold it off, the more painful it'll be for your chest and you'll start to get sick." Hunter knew that would happen to him, so for Jacob, it will probably be ten times worse.

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