Chapter 34

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"Stay calm," Hunter thought to everyone, including Jacob. "Where are my parents, Jonah?"

"At a meeting," Jonah's voice was still panicked. "The rest of us are here. What are your orders?"

Hunter made eye contact with Sam. Jacob was sitting and fidgeting. He didn't really understand the roles of Hunter's pack and what they do, but he did know that they are very strong together and work well as a team.

Hunter is a great leader.

"What is the rival pack doing? Are all the members there?"

"Not all of them," Harrison added. "And they're just sitting on your steps. I think they're waiting for you."

"Watch your back boys, the rest could be hunting you," Hunter clenched his jaw with thought. "Go and confront them together. I'll be there as soon as possible." He couldn't just get up and leave class early.

There was now only five minutes left and it felt like the longest minutes of his life.

Jacob subtly packed his things away, he couldn't take any more notes with this going on in his head.

When the lecturer announced that the lesson was finished, they stood up quickly. Hunter took Jacob's hand so he didn't lose him as he pushed through people. Jacob was too polite to do that but Hunter didn't care and nobody dared to question him about it. They were all too shocked at seeing them kiss.

Sam followed, he was a little nervous but ready to back his Alpha and put the rival pack in their place. He hated that they were so cocky. They made a small mistake by adventuring into their territory and all hell broke loose. Hunter apologised but apparently, that wasn't good enough.

Hunter's hand stayed tightly locked with Jacob's while they quickly walked down the corridor. People were staring and whispering as Jacob kept his gaze in front of him. He had other things to worry about.

When they were stood outside, Hunter turned to his mate.

"Go home Jacob, I can't take you with me, it's too dangerous."

Jacob wasn't ready to leave him.


"Please don't argue with me," Hunter rested his hands on his shoulders. "I'll come straight to yours when this is sorted, okay?"

Jacob glanced at Sam who stared down to his feet. He couldn't argue with his Alpha and he was right, Jacob didn't need to be brought into unnecessary danger.

"Fine," He mumbled.

Hunter put his thumb under his chin and lifted his head.

"Are you worried about me?" He asked and cocked his head to the side. His mate slowly nodded and chewed his bottom lip. "Don't worry, I'll let you know what's happening. We'll be fine, the rival pack don't know who they're messing with."

Sam nodded with a smile.

Jacob then stood back, he didn't want to keep them from sorting this out.

"Um, I'll see you later."

Hunter smiled and turned with Sam behind him. Jacob watched them run through the car park and towards the approaching trees.

Being involved with this would probably slow the wolves down. He didn't need to mess it up for them and there was nothing he could help with.

* * * * *

Hunter and Sam watched through the trees. The rival pack were still sitting on his steps and he felt very, very angry.

His pack members were confronting them and they said nothing. They were ignoring them.

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