Chapter 36

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"Are you sure you can't see it?" Jacob asked while they stood outside his front door. They had walked from Hunter's house which took them just under two hours.

"I'm sure. There's only a tiny scar but it's really not noticeable," Hunter reassured him before he opened the door and entered his home.

Jacob could hear his brother talking to someone and he really prayed that it wasn't Alisha. He took off his shoes and placed them neatly out of the way. Hunter was starting to find that cute and he wasn't really sure why.

They both then held their breath and entered the living-room. Hunter quickly released it to see William on his phone but it dawned on him that he'd be able to smell Alisha if she was here. Although, his mate's scent is so strong to him that it easily dominates any other smell.

William took the phone from his ear and whispered for Jacob to do the dishes after waving at them. It was still unusual for him to be spending more time with one of his friends than him. Obviously, Jacob was more important to Hunter and he didn't mind that at all. He was very happy for his brother.

Hunter turned and followed him to the kitchen.

"I can dry them and put them away."

"You don't know where anything goes though," Jacob said quietly. Hunter stopped and flashed him a big grin.

"That is a very good point. I'll wash them."

Jacob starting putting things away as Hunter filled the sink with hot water.

Just then, the front door opened and they both stopped for a moment.

"Oh, hey boys," Scott beamed and hung his coat over the back of the door. He examined his son who was in another one of Hunter's hoodies. "How was college today?"

"Okay," Jacob mumbled and dried a plate. Scott looked at Hunter, also expecting him to answer.

"Oh, yeah it was okay too," He smiled. "How was um, work?"


Hunter chuckled and Jacob smiled, making the werewolf double take which Scott saw. He then walked over to make a coffee as the boys continued with their job.

When he sat down at the table, he observed his son and his boyfriend. He wanted to get to know their relationship better and the only way he could do that was watching them in their natural state.

"You know," Hunter said and handed him a pan. "We haven't done very much on this project."

"We have three weeks, it's fine," Jacob said quietly.

"True. And you wanted to know more about the theories which I can help with," He smiled.

Jacob nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm just finding excuses to spend time with you."

Scott smiled but quickly went back to pretending like he wasn't paying attention or listening.

"You don't need excuses."

Hunter passed him a glass with a twinkle in his eyes. However, Jacob's faint look of disapproval didn't allow it to last very long.

"You didn't wash that properly," He mumbled and handed it back.

"That's because you're distracting me."

"It's not hard to wash dishes," Jacob was suppressing a little smile.

Hunter turned with a devilish grin.

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