Chapter 6

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That night, when Hunter left the Jones' household, he managed to get his dad to give him a lift home. It was dark when he called and he knew his mum didn't really like him walking home when it was getting late.

"Did you get much work done?" Anthony, Hunter's dad asked when his son climbed into the car.

"Yeah, it was good," he said, putting on his belt when they pulled out of the driveway.

"I'm glad. How's college going? I've heard from Sam that you're settling in well."

"That's going alright too." He yawned and crossed his arms. He couldn't wait to get to bed.

Anthony smiled but glanced at him. "I've been meaning to ask. You've been acting a little distant these past few months and your mother and I can't help but question if you've found your-"

"No," Hunter interrupted. "I haven't."

Anthony knew he was lying about something. He wouldn't act out of character for no reason.

"Well," He sighed. "I tried getting whatever it is you're keeping from me out of Sam but being loyal to you, he couldn't and wouldn't tell me a thing."

Hunter made a mental note to harass Sam when he get's home so he knew exactly what his father asked him.

"I'm not hiding anything," he mumbled and watched the dark street pass by.

"You can't lie to me, son," he chuckled. "Whatever it is, you need to tell us. Are you in trouble?"


"I'm going to ask Brad then." Anthony was thinking of anything he could to get his son to talk.

"Don't do that," Hunter muttered. "He's not in my good books at the minute." He thought back to when Brad knocked Jacob's bag out of his grip and when he pushed him over outside the classroom. It made his blood boil.

"I know, Sam told me."

Hunter stared at his dad. It was clear that he knew he was hiding something. It's very, very hard to keep secrets in a family like his.

"But of course," Anthony continued, "he didn't tell me why."

"Will you drop it?" he said and rolled his eyes. "If I was keeping something from you, it's for a good reason. But I'm not so just leave me alone."

"You are."

Hunter's picked at his nails with irritation. he wouldn't be able to win an argument with his dad. "I'm not."

"Lie all you want, your mother can smell it on you."

That's when Hunter clenched his jaw. He has tried to stop himself from worrying about his issue because he knew that's one way his parents could tell. And he has been getting more stressed as the weeks roll by.

"She can't because there's nothing to hide."

"I don't like that you're lying right to my face," Anthony said with a stern voice. "I thought you had more respect for me than that."

"Well, I don't."

"Carry on with this attitude and I'll ground you. That is your final warning."

Hunter's anger flowed through him, pumping through his veins. He had to hold it back. Being grounded was the worst form of punishment. He couldn't be cooped up indoors when he spends most of his time outside.

* * * * *

Around ten minutes after Hunter left, Jacob went to his room but he felt a little unusual. An emotion was building up inside of him.

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