Chapter 7

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Hunter shut the bedroom door and collapsed onto his double bed that took up most of the floor space. He buried his face into the pillow and inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself, knowing that a certain someone also felt his anger.

He thought about the argument with his parents. Why would they think that he would tell an 'average' human about who he was?

Yes, he was a werewolf and so were his parents.

To him, it was completely normal to have such a label. He was born that way, just like his mum and dad. Werewolves have existed in his family for thousands of years and he was raised to believe that two types of species exist. Humankind and his kind.

Because he was born as a werewolf, he had the pleasure of being the alpha of his own pack, now that he's old enough. There are seven members, including him.

For many, many years, werewolves have been living in secret among humans. They have their secret packs and societies and they live their separate lives. They don't mix unless of course, a werewolf mates to a human by a powerful connection that they like to nickname: Lunar Love.

They don't eat people like the stereotype. They mostly hunt foxes, rabbits and deer. There really isn't a lot for them to chase, being in England and all. They cope with what they have.

They are also exceptionally dominant and thrive from being a powerful leader. This also means that they are incredibly protective of what is theirs. Such as their territory, family, their pack and a mate.

Just like in the movies, they can change into huge wolves with sharp teeth and sharp claws. All a werewolf has to do is imagine their body changing and the transformation will begin. Nobody knows how. It just happens.

The werewolves can't test how and why these things happen to them because eventually, the word and the proof that they do exist will get out and they'll be hunted and most likely killed.

A few people who are extreme believers of anything paranormal like to wander the forests at night, looking for abnormally large wolves. It was like ghost hunters. Some people believe but many don't. Although, that doesn't stop them from searching.

Hunter rolled onto his back and stared at his ceiling. He had managed to somewhat calm himself but now he was starting to get anxious. He hid something from his parents and he really didn't want them to find out. He wasn't ready.

Just then, someone knocked on the front door. He knew who it was because he could smell him.

That's another thing about werewolves. They have an immense ability to detect people by their scent. Especially a mate.

Hunter listened to footsteps as they approached his bedroom door. He knew they wouldn't come in, this was his territory and only his.

"Hey," A voice said through the door. Sam was the Beta of Hunter's pack which means that if anything happens to the Alpha that would prevent him from running the pack, Sam would be second in command. "Wanna go for a walk?"

Hunter rubbed his eyes and sat up. He needed fresh air and he also needed to talk to his Beta about his current situation.

Sam was stood next to the door when it opened and Hunter, without looking at his parents, headed towards the front door and left. He knew Sam would follow.

The boys walked for a few minutes in silence until they knew that whatever they discussed wouldn't be heard by anyone else.

Hunter turned and stared hard. "What did my dad ask you and what did you tell him?"

Sam raised his hands in defence. "You know I would never tell him. It has to come from your mouth." He was a little scared of his Alpha when he was in an agitated mood.

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