Chapter 49

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Vic smirked, sending waves of anger through Hunter as his pack started slowing down, realising there was an enemy in the court.

When he started walking towards Hunter, Jacob who was still in his pup form squeezed between his legs and watched with concern. He was too distracted to focus on changing back. He watched the light reflect off the rim of his trainers with each step.

Vic's eyes examined the puppy and of course, he didn't know it was Jacob.

"Why is that with you? Are you babysitting?" He had a terribly sarcastic grin and Hunter wanted to punch it off his face. "And why does it have freaky marks on its fur?"

Hunter's pack had changed into their human forms and were standing behind their alpha.

"You have no idea who you're insulting," He growled.

"What?" Vic frowned. "Don't tell me this is a relative? And that wasn't an insult."

Hunter's blood was boiling.

"You come into this building and disrupt our training session, then you think you have the right to question me like this? Who do you think you are?"

"Come on Hunter, you're just the big dog's son, you can't act like you are royalty."

Sniggers were shared among the pack as they realised that Hunter was so much more than just a high ranked alpha.

"Well actually, I can," Now it was Hunter's turn to smirk. "Jacob," He thought. "Can you change back?"

The pup between his legs backed up and moved to his side. Jacob relaxed and tried thinking about his human form. Hunter watched him, knowing he could do it.

Jacob closed his eyes and imagined transforming. He has done it once, he can do it again.

It took him a few seconds to settle but when he felt different, he opened his eyes to find himself kneeling on the ground. He stood up and shuffled a little closer to Hunter while Vic watched with wide eyes.

"How? He's-"

"He's what?" Hunter was being patronising and his pack loved it. "He's human? Well, you're wrong." He turned to Jacob and took his hand. "Would you like to show him some magic?"

Jacob very nearly smiled. He didn't like Vic because he hurt Hunter and that just wasn't acceptable.

Everyone watched him hold out his hand and just like someone flicked a switch, that familiar yellow glow of electricity shot out of his palm and started to circle his fingers.

Vic jumped back with fright.

"What the hell?"

"You made the biggest mistake of your life to underestimate me," Hunter crossed his arms and allowed his stance to fill with pride. "My mate is Jacota. I know your family believe in the gods and look who you just talked down to."

Vic's eyes examined Jacob with caution. He was bigger and powerful.

"The... The god of lightning?" He whispered. His family pray to the gods every Sunday after the city meeting. He always pretended like he didn't believe. However, he did.

He started taking steps back, why has this not been announced.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hunter walked after him. "You came in here, why?"

Vic stopped but his eyes were glued to Jacob.

"I came here to apologise." His words were surprising and Hunter found himself questioning his own hearing. He didn't expect that.

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