Chapter 14

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"My mum is gonna freak if I don't go home," Jacob mumbled. It had only been fifteen minutes since she called, but he would rather please her than please himself.

"I can come with you? If we part our ways now and not see each other until the morning, It's going to be really hard." Hunter knew Jacob didn't want to leave yet. It was only midday.

Jacob nodded. "Okay."

Hunter smiled and stood up when he did. "Then you can get some lunch, I can hear you thinking about food," he chuckled.

Jacob forgot that it was Hunter's voice echoing in the back of his mind. Before, the voice was loud and would startle him. now, it was soothing and quiet.

As Jacob started walking, Hunter's eyes examined him. They were both tall and big built people. Jacob was muscular but Hunter was bigger and a little taller. He trained with his pack at least five days a week. They had to be strong and in sync with their fitness, just in case.

"And about this field," Hunter spoke as they approached the trees. "It really isn't safe if you ever come here alone. That's why I'd always wake you up when you came here and told you to go home. A rival pack was spotted here a few weeks ago. If they find out that you're an Alpha's mate, they won't hold anything back."

Jacob stopped and frowned.  The sun invaded his eyes and Hunter knew he would fall for the way they looked. So pure, so full of life.

"What do you mean by that? Has connecting a bond with you put me in danger?" he questioned.

"Our rival packs are aggressive. They come to torment our families because they're not happy with us. My pack ran too far and entered their territory by mistake. I'm not saying that they'd do anything to you but we just need to be careful."

Jacob's frown deepened until he looked through his eyelashes. Hunter couldn't decide if he thought it was cute or a look he hoped was never aimed at him again. "You could have mentioned this before I connected with you. I don't want to spend my time being scared to be outside by myself."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it's not that much of an issue, my pack will always be looking out for you, we'll never let you get into danger."

Jacob really wasn't pleased, but what did he expect? He just connected a lifetime bond with a werewolf. "Why can't I have just one normal day?"

Hunter stepped a little closer and rested a hand on his shoulder. As always, his fingers wanted to melt right into him. "I'm sorry, I could've handled this a lot better. Let's just go back to your house, stick on a film or something and talk more tomorrow when you've slept." The last thing Hunter wanted was for Jacob to break down.

The human nodded and inhaled a breath of fresh air. He turned and continued walking through the woods. Looking at Hunter was making him feel more irritated.

The werewolf followed while trying to imagine what it must feel like to Jacob. Even though they're connected by their term: Lunar love, they can still have their disagreements and argue like the bond never existed.

* * * * *

The rest of the walk was in silence. Hunter didn't know what to say. Jacob tried to avoid thinking about him but his brother's friend was all he could feel. Not to mention how Hunter would purposely brush their shoulders together because he was craving his touch.

When Jacob's house was in sight, he was going to go straight into the bathroom and lock himself away. He needed a moment to really think by himself.

Hunter could tell it wasn't sitting well with him. He really should have approached it in a better way. Why did he think revealing himself to a human like that would be a good idea?

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